My high school Spanish teacher said she learned English after immigrating to the US by watching English soap operas like Days of Our Lives and things like that. I’m sure the same could be done but not sure how exactly. It would probably take a lot of active listening.
I like it because you could see how it could be convincing if you didn’t know him. And I always figured that’s how it is with both Lex Luthor and Doom, they sound like good guys to the people they manipulate, but their motivations are based on pure ego.
The problem is no one is ever going to put in the work and prep production effort that Jackson and his team did. It could be made better and more modern, but will it in our current environment? No, all the practical effects would be replaced by CGI, all the armor and costumes for the tons of extras would just be CGI, the extras themselves would be CGI, and it probably would be packed with meta commentary and jokes. Just look at The Hobbit compared to Lord of the Rings. It doesn’t work without all the effort and pre-production, and I don’t think we’re getting a studio to ever make that bet again. It was pure luck we got it the first time.
The same thing happens on Reddit, though. I think that’s kind of just the internet from now on. /r/worldnews is literally just a pro-Israel, anti-Palestine echo chamber so it’s nice to see another perspective on here. (I only browse Reddit at work not logged in for the record.) Over here, the hive mind on that seems to change thread to thread.
This is why I still believe in physical media. While most of my purchases are digital nowadays, I consider them disposable basically. For movies and games I really care about and want to be able to keep, I like physical.