Draconic bloodline sorcerer. Take a cold option. Get the Morning Frost staff in the Underdark and the Winters Clutches gloves from the lady in mountain pass who wants gith egg. After killing gith boss, there’s a necklace of elemental something or other in the room to the right. In Last Light there’s a room in the back on the bottom floor with a floorboard that has a snowburst ring hidden in it. Also get the super awesome Potent robes from the Bard tiefling by going to Moonrise and saving everyone. While you’re there, stop in the necromancers room for the coldbrim hat. Also have someone nearby with create water. Make sure to take haste.
Congrats. You’re now pumping out a minimum of an extra 10-15 damage per hit from ray of frost without them being wet and a huge attack roll bonus. The ray will also stack something called encrusted with frost which can outright freeze them solid and make them skip their turn and chilled as well which gives them cold vulnerability. Patches of frost will also immediately appear under them, forcing them to make a save or fall probe. Everytime you hit them they also have to make saves. Burn every spell slot for metamagic and twin/quicken to your hearts content. Hasten yourself and you’re harder to hit and blast more.
So much fun. I can write a better guide if people want. I’m on toilet and half asleep at moment.
I know I have this saved, not sure if I ever posted it, but even if it was done, who cares? 2.22k posts. Not everyones going to have seen all of 'em. STAR TREK BABY! BRING IT!
Also I just love this because I can really imagine Marina coming out of Troi and backhanding Riker for that.
I was watching Lower Decks with a friend a couple days ago and somehow just before the episode repeat guests had been brought up. When I realized it was the Agimus/PeanutHamper episode I started giggling. He already knew Agimus but somehow hadn’t clicked that it was Combs voicing him. To be fair I didn’t either until that episode. When I told him he couldn’t stop laughing during the whole ass episode saying “Oh my god it’s just Shran!”
Okay. So. I have no idea what the fucking refresh rate on this gif is but it just managed to scare the hell out of me.
I had the image open in another tab and was staring for ages trying to see if something was hidden somewhere in the background. Nothing. Move on to another tab. Later I’m closing tabs and I get to that one and it’s just Wil staring into my fucking soul before sliding back down.
They openly are defending a known extreme transphobe who supports TERFS and donates to them. They underplayed the transphobia. They suggested that being bigoted against trans folks is okay because they’re a small subset of the population. They said that others were wrong for saying that she’s a transphobe despite her transphobic behavior. By saying that, they have openly stated their opinion. They didn’t need to say anything more. If you defend a transphobe thats because you are a transphobe.
The only person here who is naive as fuck is you and I am not giving you another second of my time.