I bought into the propaganda and tried it hoping that it would cure my pr0n addiction- but on day 6 I got extremely horny and am currently relapsing so hard that I’m now wasting entire afternoons from 1 to 11 committing war crimes against enough sperm to fill a water bottle, depriving my body of precious water and protein and making it interfere even more with my sleep, social and homework schedules than it already did. I completely gave up on it when I saw the edgelords making fun of people who failed and thinking “ooh it’s gonna give us levitation powers or something!!1”
You only need like a week of not cumming to get a huge load and potential increased sensitivity back. Unless you’re a chronic masturbator with death grip, in which case a month would probably be better lol
Nah your reward is something you reap throughout the month, it’s more pleasurable sessions with your favorite dildo because having not come in a while really heightens the experience
And it seems to be part of this strange anti-pleasure right wing campaign to use youtube to brainwash gen alpha into being obsessively homophobic in the most petty and pathetic way possible to the point that people start thinking YOU’RE gay, and have fragile masculinity by dividing 50% of the human population into greek letter categories unironically, setting things up so they’re guaranteed to become incels due to the romanticization of sexual ignorance and really long abstinence periods, so they can then get rich blaming their inability to get laid on something something gays something something feminazis™ to get them riled up and more importantly get their paranoid karen moms to donate to their incel cults.
Also why is it so often the people who appear most awesome on the surface who suffer from horrible shit like that. Your memes are top notch and I hope your days will be better soon.
It’s still a “fun self-control challenge” if you just stop watching porn for the month. Nothing wrong with that. But the masturbation part is just silly religious stuff with a dash of prostate cancer.
It’s same data of men who suddenly develop lung cancer after their first month of smoking. Doesn’t mean it won’t come back and bite you in the long term.
“In all, men who averaged 4.6–7 ejaculations a week were 36% less likely to be diagnosed with prostate cancer before the age of 70 than men who ejaculated less than 2.3 times a week on average.”
Funny, because I never mentioned masturbation. I don’t think anyone except the most die-hard members of the NNN/NoFap/etc. community would argue that masturbation in itself is wrong or unhealthy. The original “goal” of the challenge was to curb pornography consumption. I think most people would agree that the spirit of NNN is a lot closer to “no porn november” than “no ejaculation november.”
-14 wow. It’s totally understandable that NNN memes are becoming staler over the years, but there are a lot of people who struggle with porn consumption and I think it’s a better idea to stop masturbation for 1+ months and after transitioning over to masturbation w/o porn.
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