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Is it just me or do other people get wildly depressed when they hear this song? It’s made me sad since I was a child


Not a mental illness or a medical condition of any sort. Take your biggoted shit back to reddit


Additional context: when the triple parentheses first came into use it was used in the conspiracy theory sort of way so it was usually used for they and them

Example: (((they))) are indoctrinating our children


It’s corporate self aggrandizing wank. On par with calling subway workers “sandwich artists”. It’s as insulting to the workers as it is ridiculous


That’s kind of my point. No one at subway is calling themselves artists, it’s insulting and they don’t like it. You answered your own question, the answer is: they don’t.

In instances where they use their given title it’s probably for convenience. I’m an EMT, when I was doing interfacility runs for a private ambulance company (aka not doing the expected work of an EMT) I didn’t call myself an ambulance driver or professional insurance fraud fall guy, I called myself an EMT because it was easier to use in day to day conversation. If someone wanted to talk about it I would explain the nuances but I’m not gonna do that every time someone asks me what I do for work in polite conversation


Environmental pressures and conditions make specific traits more advantageous for species inhabiting a particular environmental niche. That’s why everything turns into crabs


I think it’s just silly and nonsensical. Maybe a “don’t be a dick” sort of story at the most. That or I’m also too foggy brained to tell

BarrelAgedBoredom, (edited )

Tune in for next week’s episode of Watch the Irish Man Suffer! Only on paramount plus


This newfound emptiness is distressing. Put them back!


Couple the shaved ass with a diet consisting exclusively of beans, cabbage, broccoli, and soft cheeses and baby you got a category 5 ass-tastrophy brewing


The fact that the poor still exist in your ideal “fair” society indicates that a capitalist system still relies on exploitation. How do you make “work or starve” disappear while still being capitalist?

Communism is a stateless, moneyless society. It’s a utopian marker for people in the present day. It’s not a fixed ideology in and of itself. The Spanish Anarchists of the CNT-FAI and the USSR have very little in common but both aspired to implement communism, at least on paper. I have my criticisms but they’re not relevant.

You would be correct in saying that people have an innate desire to labor and improve their lives. Capitalism forces you to (attempt to) improve your life and shape the world through competition with your peers. If you’re disadvantaged in some way, fuck you. Work harder or die in the streets. Social programs and welfare are antithetical to capitalism. It doesn’t independently generate profit and thus is often ignored or slowly eroded over time when it does manage to manifest. Socialism/ socialist ideologies (worker ownership of the means of production) enables people to improve their life and shape the world through cooperation. It seeks to ensure everyone is able to live a dignified life and contribute according to their ability. Humans are capable of both competiton and cooperation and capitalism builds a very one sided society that demands competition. It’s a terrible way to live and alienates people from each other.

Socialism (in my perspective as an anarchist) seeks to allow people to live their lives with the maximal amount of freedom, self determination, and autonomy possible. Whether that includes markets (which I’m assuming is what you mean by capitalism, since that’s what most people who defend capitalism think it is), planned economies, gift economies, library economies or something completely different, is a better system than capitalism on a foundational level


You’re calling me, an anarchist, a tankie? Do you even know what that word means? I know you read the part of my comment where I said I was an anarchist because you quoted it.

The combination of capitalism and socialism is called democratic socialism. It doesn’t work long term. The Nordic model is essentially democratic socialism put to practice and it’s gone well for the people in Nordic countries. They still suffer from capital strikes and other problems that are only going to get worse with time. These countries still rely on exploitation of people in the global south. Nestle is a swedish company with a terrible past. They have literally killed babies, use slave labor, and destroy ecosystems to extract wealth from poor countries. Spotify is another swedish company with a problematic track record. They’re not alone either. H&M, IKEA and Nokia have all had sketchy track records. Why do Nordic companies have so many things wrong with them if they’re companies founded in the “ideal” countries? Could it be because of inherent problems in capitalism? Nah! The system just needs tinkering, it’ll all work out don’t you worry!

I’ll concede, the social problems in these countries are much smaller than, say, the US. They have managed to increase the quality of life of their polity. It’s not perfect but it’s better than what we have and it will continue to be that way for a little while longer until capital is able to erode those collective benefits further to increase their bottom line. Which they have done and will continue to do. See Canada and the UK for an idea of what the nordic countries will eventually devolve into and then have a look at the US for something closer to the end goal.

That’s hilarious because that exactly what capitalists say about capitalism

Capitalists are right.Capitalists have freedom, autonomy, and self determination. Problem is, most of us aren’t capitalists and we don’t have access to the material resources wealth gives you access to. And it has to be that way. There are very few that the above terms apply to and the overwhelming majority of us are excluded from the benefits of capitalism. “Work or starve” is the status quo for a reason.

All of this isn’t even getting into the whole “infinite growth is impossible and it’s killing the planet” thing. Capitalism will literally be the death of us and no amount of reforms are going to stop it. Capitalism is predicated on the assumption that infinite growth is possible and necessary. There are so many destructive and inhumane aspects to the ideology that at some point, it will become obvious that it can’t be fixed. For a long time feudalism seemed like a perfectly good system that should be upheld. Sure there were problems, but it just needed to be tweaked. Do you know how that ended? Revolution.

Do you have anything substantive to say about the benefits of capitalism and democratic socialism or are you determined to have your head so far up your ass that polite criticism of the status quo makes you feel personally attacked? I didn’t miss anything about your comment and if you knew a bit more about the things you’re talking about you would see that. Instead of being a reactive anus for no good reason, why don’t you try to understand what I’m saying? It’s clear that you don’t. I’d be happy to leave some resources for you to read up a little if you’re interested in understanding what you’re defending and what you’re claiming to be against. Books, videos, articles, podcasts, just name your preferred method of media consumption and I’ll leave something for you

I might move again. (Or not) (

I moved from because I liked the name of and it ran a newer Lemmy version which meant I could make communities. I moved from because they defederated from piracy communities they didn’t even host (but for some reason still kept the small piracy community they DID host) From


Had no idea was having issues. Thought I was shadowbanned or something haha


I’ve heard of letting the smoke out but this is new to me


Do I look like I know hwat a replicator is??? I just want a gaht dang hot dog!


Set up a couple misters and fans and you’re golden


mobilism is pretty good, they’re more for epubs but they have a solid amount of mp3, m4a and m4b audiobooks. Not sure which format apple books prefers but they’re worth a look


I like to see how many miles I drove for work everyi month. I drove 2400 miles so far in December


Realizing now that I don’t remember any of my passwords haha

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