Doug Jones. Special effects. Visuals. Michelle Yeoh. Acting chops across the board. Bridge Officers getting more screentime. David fucking Cronenberg. Firmly establishing Kelvin timeline. Major LGBTQ+ representation for the first time in Trek (one off episodes don’t count). Una. Sharp increase in humor. The Enterprise. Culber returning. Tig Notaro! THAT Pike episode (You know the one. The big one.) USS Nog. Oded Fehr. Butterfly People (that’s just a personal favorite). Return of Space Cats.
I mean… there’s a lot of redeeming qualities of Discovery. It’s totally fine to not like Discovery, and to criticize it (respectfully) and the things you don’t like, but it’s a bit harsh to outright disregard the absolute slew of great things we’ve managed to get out of the show as well.
Same but in Discovery. There’s a small moment with Tilly on the bridge where he plays a prank on her, within MINUTES of meeting her and beaming onto the ship. Then and there I fell in love with him… He was on screen for all of 5 minutes and I knew I’d die for him.
You’ll turn into us… slowly but surely. Sooner than later you’ll think something looks really cool and then look it up on YouTube. You’ll look up a few more clips then go “Eh, why not give this show a try.” From there it’s a slippery slope into bliss, my friend.
Correct on every damn count. Even though I have my little digital watch.
Fantastic author with a fantastic set of books. The bit about how humans can fly will always make me laugh my ass off. Apparently we possess the capability of flight but we’re doing it wrong. The trick is to throw yourself at the ground and miss.