I’ve got a massive water bottle that I go through like twice a day. Have always loved water. Remember constantly being tested for diabetes because they thought I was just thirsty all the time. Nope. Just love water.
Anything that ever includes Galaxy Quest is an immediate win from me. Doesn’t help I’ve seen the movie so many times (it’s a movie version of my weighted blanket) that I can vividly hear that ‘exploded’ line in my head.
Fuck you I’ve gotta turn the damn movie on again now.
Or toilet paper/other hygiene products. The first 5 years of my 20s evaporated due to an abusive relationship dumping me into homelessness. I stole more hygiene products than I’d like to admit…
Those are grippy socks. They’re often given to patients when they’re admitted to hospital. Over the past few years they’ve become synonymous with being admitted to a mental health ward.
The meme is saying that they’re afraid of being honest to their therapist because their therapist might admit them to a psych ward against their will.
Correct on every damn count. Even though I have my little digital watch.
Fantastic author with a fantastic set of books. The bit about how humans can fly will always make me laugh my ass off. Apparently we possess the capability of flight but we’re doing it wrong. The trick is to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
I applied for cosmetology class when I was in high school. No one questioned it at all because not only was I a blatantly obvious nerd but I was also the only openly gay guy in the school. First day I’m told to meet in a room I didn’t even know existed. Fucking mirrors everywhere. Circular tables around the mirrors with decapitated heads for as far as the eye could see, all with horrific hairstyles and blank, expressionless faces. Went in. Sat down. Realized I was the only one in the room with a set of testicles and started to slowly piece together where I done majorly goofed.
Class was surprisingly good. I can french braid now. I did fail however because the teacher hated me. Not only was I gay, which she didn’t like, but I wasn’t a “stereotypical” gay guy which she somehow found more infuriating. A dude who didn’t come off as particularly effeminate but was comfortable enough doing peoples hair. 2 weeks before the final class she ‘lost’ my module and expected me to make up the entirety of the semesters work in 2 weeks. All worked out. She broke her ankle the next year after someone got berated so hard they pissed themselves. Janitor was on the way to clean it up, she wasn’t looking where she was going, and slipped in it and fell down a nearby set of stairs.
Earlier in this thread you claimed to be part of the LGBT community. Now you’re saying you’re in a heterosexual relationship with your wife. My guess is that you’re “bi” because you kissed a dude in college and didn’t hate the concept. Now you just believe that you’re bisexual and get to involve yourself in the community when you don’t have a place in it.
Even if you are legitimately bi, I’m here to inform you that the community wants nothing to do with you. You’re a small-minded and hateful bigot who keeps spreading lies. Nothing will change your mind because you believe you have full understanding. Immediately you have put yourself in a place of total ignorance on purpose because you’re afraid of your world view being shattered.
Now. I want you to think. Are you angry? Pissed off that I decided to take something about you and crumple it up, showing that it means nothing and using that against you? Awww. That sucks, huh? Then maybe you should stop doing it to other people when you are beyond clueless.