Love it. It’s so easy to jusy say “oops” and try again. Much admiration to people who can do that and have unhindered acceptance of the world. I hope it spreads around.
Once talked to the real estate agent that helped my mom buy in 2008 about buying a place for me around 2020. I found a decent-enough property for about 250k that i could put a house on.
A part of their advice to me was to wait for a home around $80,000 like my mom got in 2008.
Omg I once accidentally kidnapped my neighbor’s cat for 3 days. My cat got out and this one looked exactly the same (only had my cat for a few weeks at that point. I couldn’t discern differences yet). I wondered why he kept meowing at the window.
I’m embarrassed it took 3 days to realize that wasn’t my cat. We let it out and I’m sure the real owners were relieved 😅😳🤡
Showing them they defend every single critique… is a critique. I’ve emphasized in so many ways how what they did wasn’t a big deal, how I’m not mad, how it’s ok and it’s a nothing-burger. I’ve given them literal scripts of what they could say. I’ve sent articles, videos, infographics that could help them understand and ways to be able to accept that what they did was a mistake an that it won’t make them a pariah. Telling them dozens of examples of times when I or anyone else has made a mistake and then apologized and fixed it when it was pointed out and everything was fine… nothing.
They don’t change. Like you said, the critique is the problem, it’s not the problem that’s the problem to them.
Just own it, make it right, and let some time heal any embarrassment that’s felt.
“Dying human hair is totally fine. Why not pet hair?”
The logic is sound enough for most people. Learning that it is not like that isn’t taught in schools. Just because someone knows that doesn’t mean everyone does.
It sucks, but being critical of those that do things harmful like they are stupid for not knowing is not as effective as being kind and teaching that it is harmful.
We all have to learn everything we know. So do strangers.
Being prepared like your library card is one, definitely. Always be polite. Always. If they’re grumpy, it’s something that happened in their life. Could be their boss is crappy, someone flipped them off, etc. It’s not about you, so injecting kindness would really help make their day better.
Be prepared and kind. Again. It really is the best way to make things go smoothly.
Those two, prepared and kindness/politeness, are really it if you think about it.