Use By default it indicates pay walled sites and you can also block whole domains if you choose. Listicles are broken out separately and if you’re feeling ambitious Kagi supports regex-based redirects, so you could redirect paywalled domains to a paywall bypass website.
Growing up in the 70s my great aunt used to eat half a yellow onion with dinner almost every night. She’d cut an onion in half and plunk it on her plate with whatever she had made for dinner. I saw her peel an onion and eat it like an apple once.
I use NextDNS and it’s good for my devices, but Google sponsored links won’t work with it. Sometimes I have to turn it off temporarily to get something done.
Also, my wife works from home in social media. I can’t really block ads network-wide because she needs to see them.
I run a small business, but I’m also I’m an embedded systems developer on ARM processors for my products. Our toolchain is Windows-specific. That and the Adobe suite which I also need for my business keep my primary work machine Windows.
My laptop is Linux but even that creates occasional hassles with my work flow and presentations.
They’re right. Few buy First Class tickets because the uptick in comfort and service from Business Class is tiny for the increase in cost. I fly Business but would never pony up for First.