That’s what gets me. Since you can’t add more RAM or storage it’s just so insulting to have an $1800 laptop with so little. If I wanted 24GB of RAM and 2TB of storage I’d be looking at $2600.
I remember looking at phones in the past and being blown away by 128GB of storage and 4GB of RAM because that was way more than I had in way more expensive desktops just a few years prior. It’s so weird seeing a current phone shaft you less on memory/storage than a laptop.
Storage and RAM has always been cheaper for computers than phones because they don’t have the size constraints. Computers also use way more RAM and storage than phones.
I used exclusively Macs and iPhones till the early 2010’s. I had the original iMac and I eventually moved to a G4 and an intel iMac. That last iMac was such a pile of overpriced crap I killed two HDDs, the RAM, and the GPU. I went from knowing nothing but their ecosystem to never touching it in a year and I haven’t gone back.
At least use Mastodon (
Yes, also Teslas (