That and the ‘for every animal you don’t eat i’m gonna eat THREE!’ Yay well done so macho you get threatened by what another person eats fucking yay for you sir gold star.
Veganism is actually a fairly new phenomenon in general, a lot of Jains in particular have adopted it. But vegetarianism in India dates back over a thousand years BCE , so yeah, they’ve got a bit of a head start.
which would be fine if it were just a straight comparison but it starts bleating about chemicals and preservatives and it’s a bit too purity politicking for my tastes.
Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I’m off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here’s the proof.
If I were to do such a thing I would find myself quite happily served by the above without the need for a usenet acct, but of course this is an entirely theoretical discussion from the comfort of armchairs so reality may differ for various parties puffs pipe
Well if you want a reversal you need to be true to the parameters: get an experienced male operating - not commenting - and you need to do so NOT in an area dominated by women.
Because the gender split in gaming is almost 50/50. A 1% difference is negligible
Ain’t just gaming. I dropped a note on a home tech forum while being visibly female and very rapidly realised i’d forgotten how fucking neckbeardy rank amateurs are
I’ve been a network/systems engineer for 25 years, my fellow pros would never be so gauche.
Working sysadmin gets you four times more abuse because it’s the crux of ‘mean person won’t let my idiot arse run rampant on a system because they’re mean and i hate them’ and ‘fuck youse wimmen don’t tell me what to fucking do’
True, but by the end the moclans had completely blown their shit. They were literally kicked out of the union and went antagonist (and promptly got their arses kicked again hahaha)
Meanwhile the whole Big Bad they were using as a stick to beat everyone else with (you need us to fight against the Kaylon or you’re dead!!!) was resolved with radical empathy and brought to peace.
I went on a ghost tour once and they tried to use an EM reader like a goddamn PKE.
‘This timeball tower is haunted by an old keeper look!!’
Bitch you’re literally surrounded by people with mobile phones in their pockets, and there’s a goddamn maritime signalling tower on top of the damned thing.
Vegan food: The west vs India (
Disney is gouging customers with a near doubling of subscription costs. (
Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I’m off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here’s the proof.
Get gud (
When is season 4 anyway? (
Fedora or Mint for noob?
A friend might let me install Linux on his secondary laptop he uses for university. He’s not a tinkerer and wants something that just works....
What do you think happened to the hikers in the Dyatlov Pass Incident?
Here’s the wiki for those unfamiliar:
spookyyyy (
Me waiting on the next Risa trend (
Don't worry, I actually do like the SNW bridge (
Not OC