Ooooh yes soup when you’re sick is wonderful! I dunno if it helps any, but I always have copious amounts of soup and broth when I have a respiratory illness. I hope you feel better and enjoy the soup!
It’s not really here or there, but when I was a young child, I saw Star Trek: The Next Generation before Reading Rainbow, so my parents had to explain how actors worked when I was baffled how the blind man was teaching me how to read.
I did love Reading Rainbow, though, and still read regularly, probably in part thanks to Levar Burton.
I’ve gotten a lotta compliments on my Airism boxer briefs from Uniqlo, there’s a no accolade brand, David Archy, that makes some solid micromodal underwear and I really like the look and feel of some of the MeUndies ones.
Get a pair, see which ones you like best, then slowly get more over a few months. Eventually, you have a whole drawer of nice underwear.
[DISCUSSION] What's the pickiest you have seen someone be?
I think everyone is picky about certain things but what is the pickiest you’ve seen someone be?
Do You Need To Wash Rice Before Cooking? Here’s The Science (
I found this article pretty interesting… it seems to contradict the current cooking zeitgeist
What's the most unique role model you've heard that was a green flag?
I know that like Mr. Rogers, Bob Ross, and Sam from LoTR are all considered green flags if they are considered role models....
Every day we stray further from God's light. (
18+ Undies (