As there is an information gap about the perpetual violence coming into Gaza from Israel itself. There is no reacting going on from Israel. It is active and quite intentional in design.
Fell free to prove you claim at any point. As you can't, perhaps consider accepting that your beliefs, no matter how vital to your life, are not superior to anyone else's. But then you'll just demand you don't have to prove your factless claim and that I must prove Jesus did exist. Something I didn't claim but in fact informed whose claim it was. And yet your faith in your personal belief is so fragile, you had to jump in and refute a statement no one made.
They don't even know what program they browse the internet with, manage documents with, nor view media with. They know what button to press. George Jetson is our reality.
The only other male bridge officer I can remember off hand is Spock, right? What a massive drift. “Can’t get used to it so therefore WOMEN EVERYWHERE”...
They did that with Doctor Who and then they wanted to do an episode about racism and it just didn't work. You have to accept the decision once you make it.
I always required the PC to behave as if they didn't believe to disbelieve. Just saying it does nothing. You must walk into the fire to disbelieve the fire.
Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I’m off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here’s the proof.
accurate representation of Southern mentality. The Women want a Truck because they feel unsafe in a little car with massive monsters blasting past at 80MPH and Men want them because they've got very small peepee.
China is unmovable by vehicle at all such that their failure of a mass transit system is trying busses on stilts.
Japan is tiny. I mean very tiny minuscule area of land.
Most of EU has no such thing. You are assuming it EU is Germany, France, and Belgium. PS, all the actual Countries (which EU isn't one) in the EU are tiny.
Size is a factor in cost and that is the real reason most Countries have no such thing as viable mass transit for the majority of their citizens. Paving sold cars and cars made corporations lots of money. Mass transit does the opposite and is thus objected to by same corpos.
Show me one State, just a single one, where the majority of Cities have functional mass transit across the entire City which does not take five or six times what a personal vehicle going straight there takes. I'll wait.
In much of Southern US, they've got three kinds of vehicles. Massive new shiny trucks, really old gas guzzling reality size trucks, and speed bumps for the first. You can't see out of a compact car as you are always in a valley of truck.
It shows in how clueless you are about the US. Very little mass transit is actually viable. People can't afford to spend 4 hours getting to and four hours getting back from their 10 dollar an hour job. Worry about what is going on where you actually know something about.
Imagine if instead of rewarding Reagan for having the Iranians keep the hostages so he could rip the solar cells off the White House, we;d rewarded Carter for recognizing the trap oil was.
As far back as required to make those involved feel as if they were compensated. If you feel that 36x Great uncle Olaf's loss affects your Family Today, then you should have your day in Court to make the case. However, as most likely 36x Great uncle Olaf was in fact not involved in anything in a currently oppressed People's past, it'll be a hard case to make.
The outcome needs to be negotiated and yes, the Tax Payer should foot the bill for the redress for the actions of the State and individual wealthy Families should foot the bill for the crimes their wealth stems from. For example: the entirety of Oklahoma's rather impressively inhumane treatment of the Native Tribes needs to be dealt with as the People that profited from the malfeasance are still holding the proceeds of those crimes.
Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence (
Jesus leaving Chili's the way His father would want him to on Christmas night (
Jesus and the 12 Apostles are out to eat...
YouTube adds tracking parameters to shared URLs that can be traced back to individual Google accounts ( German
10:30 it is 👍 (
alias 2024='echo "YEAR OF THE DESKTOP"' (
Edit: Enough money as in buying a PC supporting windows 11
I love how SNW responded to this sexism by surrounding Pike with women (
The only other male bridge officer I can remember off hand is Spock, right? What a massive drift. “Can’t get used to it so therefore WOMEN EVERYWHERE”...
bro pls (
Gamedev and linux (
We think Gary has trauma (
Disney is gouging customers with a near doubling of subscription costs. (
Disney is raking its customers over the coals with a 75% price hike for their annual subscription (originally $80.) People wonder why piracy is on the rise.Multiple commenters are saying I’m off base about the 75% price increase. My payment less than a year ago was $79.99. Here’s the proof.
Israel Readying Emergency Regulations Allowing Arrest of Journalists for Factual Reporting (
My money is on the whales. (
Study suggest men refuse to ditch meat because it threatens their masculinity (
Buying a new car is not better than keeping an old one (
History (
Pig kidney works in a donated body for over a month, a step toward animal-human transplants (