I’ve only ever heard of torvalds because of pages like this one and since I don’t watch LTT videos often, I’ve only ever heard his first name connected with the channel.
Over the holidays I was driving behind a line of maybe 10 cars, all clearly wanting to go over 55, but not willing to floor it to pass the person going 57 on a two lane road with occasional oncoming cars.
Being the person I am, I like to keep a healthy distance when driving like that just in case I need to hit the brakes hard.
People behind me kept getting super impatient and flashing brights, honking, eventually flooring it to go around me…
All to end up going the exact same speed they were before, but now behind 10 cars that aren’t me.
I did get that satisfying feeling of seeing someone fly by at over 100 on a highway, and then a few miles down they were pulled over, so that was fun. ACAB but so are you for reckless driving.
And blocking is great! I’ve blocked many spam bots, people with hateful comments, entire communities because I don’t speak their language or just don’t have interest in their content (no OFFENSE to THE PACK you guys ARE SO COOL AND BADASS but that kind of humor doesn’t appeal to me 90% of the time, no offense to sports fans but if I’m not actively playing it, I don’t want to watch it)
But if it’s a power user, it’s really hard to get away from, and you can block them and all 15 of their alts but people still talk about some of them.
So you can prevent them from contacting you, and you can prevent either of you from seeing each other’s posts and comments, but you can’t completely get away from everyone.