My grandmother once had my sister and I over for dinner.
She made herself a tiny portion of something and set out a handful of radishes, most of which she ate herself before offering us some.
That was the one and only time she “made” anything for us.
I was 7.
She was not a kind person, she complained about the leaves in her yard constantly to the point where the rest of the family has a running joke about the trees conspiring against her.
She died two years ago and I still miss her. For all her faults it was clear she loved all of us, any time we were on the phone with grandpa she would yell across the house who are you talking to, and when he yelled back she would come in to say hi and ask how we were doing. Never called us herself though.
Weird relationship. Not sure why I’m rambling about this. Thanks for reading if you did. Cheers
And blocking is great! I’ve blocked many spam bots, people with hateful comments, entire communities because I don’t speak their language or just don’t have interest in their content (no OFFENSE to THE PACK you guys ARE SO COOL AND BADASS but that kind of humor doesn’t appeal to me 90% of the time, no offense to sports fans but if I’m not actively playing it, I don’t want to watch it)
But if it’s a power user, it’s really hard to get away from, and you can block them and all 15 of their alts but people still talk about some of them.
So you can prevent them from contacting you, and you can prevent either of you from seeing each other’s posts and comments, but you can’t completely get away from everyone.
I still have a couple shows I enjoy despite the laugh track… Just in general I would prefer not to watch them, and I’m unlikely to give a new show half a chance if it has one.
A blog I followed stopped posting two years ago, and their site is still up but they don’t post anything to any form of social media that I can search.