Any time I’ve ever had a server of any kind connected to the net it’s gotten endless ‘doorknob turning’ from bots scanning for stuff. At the very least, bots trying ssh passwords on common accounts.
I don’t have any specific jellyfin advice, but random attempts from all over is pretty usual on the net these days.
Ideally I’d like it as a playlist, sort of like youtube-tui’s library, but this seems like it might be a workable solution. Also, even if it turns out not to be, very nice script. I’ve always sucked terribly at bash scripting.
I’ve found ubuntu distros to be pretty good for 'stuff just works". My daily driver is xubuntu. That said, I’ve never tried using a printer with it. Good luck OP.
Command line is a lot more powerful for a lot of cases. Most CLI programs are written with the idea that the caller might be another program, so they tend to be easy to chain with pipes and redirection. So you have tons of simple tools that you can combine however you need.
I generally aim newbies at Mint, but ubuntu derived distros are pretty easy and stuff often ‘just works’. That’s why my daily driver is xubuntu.
All over the place, really. Another advantage of ubuntu derived distros is you’ll find a lot of the tutorials and stuff will assume you’re using ubuntu. I just hit a search engine if I need help with something.