I live in Florida, surrounded by red and I’m from a red state/area. To be clear, I think it’s PERFECTLY VALID to hold the thought “my money and stuff are mine and I should have a say who gets to use it”. And to your point about democrats: yeah that’s effectively what I mean. Universal health care and paying for college are publicly funded from…other people’s money. Most Republicans I’ve talked to wish we had either or both, but balk when taxes are raised. They would rather be the ones to decide who gets a portion of their paycheck from an understandable hesitancy to have the government be the one to decide who gets the money. Republicans see that prudence as necessary, and most democrats I know see that as an unwillingness to contribute to the “greater good”.
I think the defining difference is whether that sharing extends to just friends and family, or if it becomes more egalitarian and extends to everyone. From my experience, Republicans tend to stop at the former, and Democrats tend to stop at the latter. There is also usually differences in what they’re willing to share to both parties, namely money.
It’s obtuse because it’s not like another one is going to crop up in the same town in the same day to give the workers jobs, nor is it going to solve the issue of regulating the industry properly. The people enforcing the policies need teeth, and those teeth should be able to bite at the people causing these conditions. Places get like this because 3rd party inspection is underfunded and underpowered. Shutting a place down means it cuts into profits while potentially cutting off workers’ incomes. It doesn’t mean the owners or board get significantly impacted.
Assuming you aren’t being purposefully obtuse, the answer is to make them safe and suitable environments for people to work in. You can figure out a way to punish the company who is creating these conditions, but for the time being, the answer is to make them reasonable to work in.
No. They’re saying that slaughter houses don’t appear to be going away in the near future since there is a still a fervent demand for meat, so the answer of “just shut them down” isn’t a valid solution yet. They should be removed of human cruelty until we can fully remove them.
I’ve been having that feel too as well as with immediate future choices. I finally might be able to buy a house, but I’m in Florida. So do I put money, time, and effort into a house that’ll be under water when I get done paying it off (assuming it isn’t destroyed by a hurricane), or do I seriously start looking at moving jobs/states to even have a chance at having a house that will be there in 15 to 20 years? Renting seems like an even worse option since this last year has proven they can just charge 50-100% more and get away with it. And once the house thing gets “solved”, now I have to wonder if we ever get our shit together and stop destroying everything in and including the world so the house thing even matters. Idk. This is just a paragraph meant to vent. I don’t have an answer for you, because any sane person almost has this gnawing constantly in their heads. Personally, I’ve just made goals that have been bettering myself and my surroundings as well as the people around me. As for why? I’m not religious, so at this point I figure if I do my best, I can one day die happy knowing I at least tried to do something.
Wouldn’t anything sizable enough to make a noticeable difference immediately act like a solar kite and be wisked off into space, L1 or not? They’d have to all have force sources(ionic engines or something) to counteract the force. I wonder how practical something like that would even be on something of that scale. Interesting to think about.