I never realized they were the same person before. I went to Wikipedia and found:
Schultz has also written for Breitbart where he likened liberalism to mental illness, and has similarly suggested that President Barack Obama’s administration may intend to force sex reassignment surgery onto him and others.
The year Titanic came out, I finally decided to see what the fuss was about in it’s 18th week playing (a new record!) in our local theater. I took my seat, and there were a couple of teenage girls a few seats over from mine. They started sobbing during the opening credits. I’m fairly certain they’d seen the movie already. Probably more than once.
1999 was 24 years ago. 24 years before 1999 was 1975, when Wish You Were Here, Physical Graffiti, and Toys in the Attic all came out. Those were definitely classic rock then.
The point where Star Wars totally lost me was when it turned out C3PO was fucking built by Darth Vader when he was a kid. I just couldn’t suspend my disbelief anymore. I loved the original three movies when I was a kid, but damn, it’s completely left me behind at this point.
I’ve hated him since Lost. Possibly even Alias. Stupid mystery box bullcrap, Yeah, some unresolved mystery is fine. Your entire show shouldn’t revolve around boatloads of them being insufficiently explained.
In my hometown, we had “Mr. Noshirt”. He’d walk everywhere in any weather either without a shirt on, or with a flimsy dress shirt unbuttoned the whole way. In Canada, so it got cold. Rumors were “couldn’t feel cold” or the more likely “mental health problems.”
I just switched from Ubuntu, which I’ve been using for almost twenty years, to Mint 21.3 and I’m impressed. Not only does it seem to have solved my printing problems (at least with one day of use so far, but I’ve had zero failures compared to multiple failures per day with Ubuntu), it just seems snappier (or is that snapless?) and smoother overall. Just dumb little things like remembering my sound device settings after reboot and letting me know the printer was out of paper. Ubuntu just seems clunky by comparison now. Hopefully it isn’t just the honeymoon phase.
All the talk of Mint lately. Looks like my fifteen-year Ubuntu streak may be coming to an end. Will I, decidedly not a power-user just an Internet browser, occasional game player, Csound programmer, Libreoffice user notice a difference? Is Mint better at printing? That’s the only real problem I’ve had with Ubuntu over the years.