
Lemmy is just as much an information warfare platform as anything on Reddit. The Israel/Hamas coverage has confirmed that pretty conclusively.


Eh, talking about Isreal/Hamas/Palestine has been a sensitive topic for as long as I can remember. I wouldn’t be surprised if an argument broke out between two Catholics in a church on Sunday if they were talking about it. It’s an extremely devicive issue.


Very true! Here, have a fake Internet point lol


This might be a hot take here, but I’d be open to instances running a limited number of ads with minimal tracking to generate enough revenue to keep the instance afloat.

It’s why I did use the official Reddit app at first when I started using Reddit. They can’t bleed money forever. But when they kept making the app worse and worse and worse that’s when I switched to third party apps. And after they killed those, I didn’t have any sympathy for Reddit because I was sick of their continued greed.


Honestly, I’d love it if platforms gave people the option to either pay a subscription and maintain the privacy, or see ads and give up their personal data. However, it looks like we’re going in the, “pay a subscription to watch ads and have data stolen” route.


I don’t want any ads. But I’d pay money to a small Verein or something similar to keep a community instance running. Being a profitable customer to a social network works against the best interest to any mental health.


I don’t think ADS were ever the problem. The problem was the ratio. ORIGINALLY adblock plus, when it was a relevant adblocker had an option to allow less obtrusive ads to show. The rules they set for themselves there was pretty reasonable.


I used that for a while specifically because of that feature. But I switched to uBlock origin when I found out it could block those autoplaying videos as well.


If Lemmy ever does have ads, I will tell everyone to avoid the platform like the plague. No ads. Ever. If your instance is too big to run on donations alone, it’s too big to exist and its members need to branch out.

Future platforms need to be programmed with a max number of users.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

just make the cost to run the server transparent and setup a monthly goal to cover the costs, none of this capitalist shit; with adverts come advertisers botfarms and astro turfing to boot.


I’d rather pay than have ads. I think advertising is a plight upon humanity.


When I became financially independent I got Reddit premium even though I didn’t really use any of the features. Already had adblock and RES. I just wanted to support the site I spent hours on.

Cancelled that when they killed Apollo.

But I do agree that limited ads aren’t an issue… except for the slippery slope that’s happened. Just a few more ads… just a little more intrusive…


When Lemmy replaces Reddit, I wonder what will replace Lemmy when Lemmy goes corporate.


“when” is an optimistic choice of a word

morrowind, avatar

Lemmy will replace lemmy. It’s federated and open source by design, so if any corpo manages to take over existing instances, people can just create and move to new ones. Lemmy is the endgame. Lemmy is the final software, the last forum.

/sok, maybe if a better software comes along it might replace it. But it’s still safe in theory from corporate takeovers


How would it go corporate beyond specific instances? That’s kind of the entire point.


It’s so… Free.


Yah bub. This were the good ol’ time.

Limit, (edited )

There is plenty of propaganda on lemmy. You just have to realize you will always be fed propaganda and understand there is propaganda on each side of every issue…

xFxD, avatar

The sheer amount of pro palestinian / pro hamas content around here…


This place is heaving with nutters.


This place world is heaving with nutters.


Its very concentrated here and it is so often lefty nutters. Or certainly my exposure to it is acute on Lemmy compared to my day to day living.


My main problem with it is anyone who has an opinion on how you(or others) live their life. What the fuck happened to modesty


Sectarian leftist nutters who seem to be extremely overconfident in their amateurish view of philosophy and politics. “The entire world and all of contemporary history is a conspiracy to discredit Lenin” is honestly a pretty shocking view of the world.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar
socsa, (edited )

For those who can’t be bothered to spend 30 seconds checking if a lemmygrad user is full of shit, this was my response to racism against Koreans (literally calling them dogs), since I know I’d be banned (again) if I was too mean and called a privileged hexbear poster racist directly.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

South korea are clearly beholden to american interests, considering the military dictatorship installed by america in SK routinely executed hundreds of thousands of south koreans, its not racist to point this out. (something you as a dutch person should be aware of, black pete anyone?)


Sure, the soul of every nation is tarnished by the sins of their fathers. I have no argument with this. That doesn’t excuse the use of racist language or symbology, as the point can easily be made without such denigration.

This is especially ironic because the hexbears are typically falling over themselves to show how egalitarian and tolerant they are, and at least in my view, such language makes that effort seem particularly hollow.

ghost_of_faso2, (edited ) avatar

its stretching beyond belief to think calling someone an american dog has racist connotations, this is a common slur thrown at anyone who happens to bow down to american interests at the expense of there fellow people.

such bad faith reasoning and liberal IDpolitics of GOTCHA, no wonder you where banned; no loss.


You don’t think calling someone a dog is bigoted? Talk about bad faith.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

no, calling someone an american dog isnt bigotted, thanks. taking it out of context to make your point, average dutchoid

socsa, (edited )

So for the record, the person who trolled my profile and posted a screenshot trying to make me seem racist, only to get pilloried by additional context, before changing the subject entirely, before finally resorting to his own bizarre ethnic slurs, is the one arguing in good faith. While I am the one pushing “gotcha liberalism” or whatever?

You do you, I guess.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

this american dog is all bark and no bite


You don’t need elephants to smash ants. The Israeli government has gone too far, full stop. I also hope the hostages are returned home safely and a peaceful solution can be found. Calling out atrocities and war crimes perpetrated against the Palestinian people is not pro-hamas propaganda, it’s the first step in accountability.


That is two very different things. One is a terrorist group, the other are just humans trying to live their lives in safety. Same with Israel. The people are humans trying to live their lives in safety, but Netenyahu is incredibly corrupt and reports show that he is secretly propping up Hamas.


There is incomparably more propaganda here then anywhere else. On reddit politics are kept out of most subs that are not specifically discussing politics, here everyone uses every opportunity to push whatever agenda they happen to have

socsa, (edited )

The thing about this is fuck all Americans to death amirite?


If that’s how I gotta go


I havent seen a universal agreed definition of propaganda. It seems like anything advokating for something that that person doesnt agree with is propaganda.

ghost_of_faso2, avatar

its art that is political, what form that takes is up to the content.


Reminds me of the old WoW forums night shift.

BuboScandiacus, avatar

Without propaganda ?


Yep they said it lmao


They probably mean advertising, it’s a close word in other languages

uis, avatar

posts Starlight Glimmer with hammer and sickle


That’s the main thing I hate about Lemmyverse is that the zealots and puritans came over too.

They always think you mean someone else when you say “please stop constantly trying to shoehorn your politics into everything”


My dude, everything is politics. Especially things like “I want a free internet” or “I don’t want to be drowning in ads” which is a huge part of the appeal of Lemmy are both DEEPLY political stances.


I see you can’t understand the difference between zealotry and normal discussion.

“I don’t want ro drowning in ads” doesn’t have to mean “but trump is Hitler evil Jews did this blah blah everyone who isn’t of my opinion is a murderer”


Actually, I’m going to add something to my last reply.

“not wanting to be drowning in ads” is in no way shape or form a political decision.

If you mean “because adverts are capitalism” then you’re part of the deeply naive problem.

It’s perfectly plausible - because it literally has happened - for people to construct a platform under our system (which is also hybrid anywat) that allows for social media to exist without adverts.

You’re literally the kind of person when I mean when I talk about trying too shoe-horn politics into things when it doesn’t belong.


Great post. I give you my fake internet point up arrow.


Speaking of monetization and propaganda, for your consideration, “Barbie”, now available on Blu-Ray and streaming services everywhere!


that was such a great movie, I liked the part when you said “it’s barbin’ time” and totally barbed all over those guys


Please give me an affiliate link! I need my dayly dose of trackers!


Make the internet nerd again


Yeah, and it’s people arguing about cars, Trump, rich people, work, Linux distros, not pooping, and communism.


We need memes, Spiderman memes


Not pooping? I’m almost afraid to ask, but that’s the only one I’ve not come across yet…


There was an asklemmy post shortly after the exodus asking how to avoid a bowel movement for three days.

Raz, (edited )

I’m almost disappointed this isn’t like that one subreddit where people tried to stick as much Sharpies up their ass as possible. Almost.


Swap Trump for Bush and this is what the early internet was like


Who’s Line is it Anyway had the right idea, the rules are made up and the points don’t matter.


If you think there’s no propaganda on lemmy then I have news for you.

nixcamic, (edited )

And fake internet points.

And I’m sure top men are working on monetization.


I mean I’d be really surprised if we have monetization through anything other than wikipedia style donation drives


I only use Lemmy though Boost but don’t some instances have ads?

irreticent, avatar

I’ve already seen plenty of people advertising their onlyfans here.


I would say that is more spam than ad.

RickyRigatoni, avatar

I’ve already seen plenty of posts and comments that look suspiciously product-placementy.

troyunrau, avatar

You look like you like rigatoni. Perhaps you’d be interested in trying SmellFresh Fabric softener. It helps keep your knees bent while you use the tobacco masher.

irreticent, avatar


seliaste, avatar

Idk why everyone keeps talking about kagi everytime searc engines are mentionned

morrowind, avatar

Kagi appeals to the same people who like lemmy. They haven’t done any affiliate marketing that I know of.


Is it good news?


I liked the fake internet points, but it definitely leads to karma whoring. So I’ll do without.

BigBlackCockroach, avatar

You could create a plug in that states your and everybody’s total karma. Karma is one of the worst ideas on the internet. A tool to enforce conformity and obedience


Boost shows you your total karma

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