1999 was 24 years ago. 24 years before 1999 was 1975, when Wish You Were Here, Physical Graffiti, and Toys in the Attic all came out. Those were definitely classic rock then.
Maybe not. I don’t think the prequels are good movies, but there’s no denying they’re some dumb fun that certainly appeals to a lot of people. The sequels don’t even have that going for them. I can’t imagine anyone being nostalgic about the return of Palpatine.
The obscure movie for me was… Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. I still know every line of dialog from beginning to end any time I happen to see it on.
I never realized they were the same person before. I went to Wikipedia and found:
Schultz has also written for Breitbart where he likened liberalism to mental illness, and has similarly suggested that President Barack Obama’s administration may intend to force sex reassignment surgery onto him and others.
Truthfully, I have mixed results when it comes to drinking these days. Sometimes, it’s fine. I drink a few beer, get a nice buzz and wake up totally fine. It’s really only once or twice I had the situation I mentioned above where I hardly drank anything and woke up hungover anyway. In those cases, I didn’t chug a bunch of water because I assumed since I wasn’t feeling the effects at all, I’d be fine. If I am buzzed or verging on drunk, then I will chug a liter or something. Though for me, it’s 50/50 on whether that prevents a hangover. I don’t like those odds. It just seems more and more like the short buzz and euphoria it brings more and more often isn’t worth the chance of ruining the next day. Especially given how much shittier your system gets at handling this stuff as you get older.