I’m re-watching DS9 for the third time or something, but I’ve never seen anything released after Voyager except for the Abrams movie travesties. Am I still a Trekkie?
Well, the guy you are responding to is maybe only thinking of people whose hearing is diminished in some manner. Not people whose hearing is otherwise incapacitated through something like tinnitus or like the other poster in here who has auditory dyslexia. Both of whom may be inconvenienced by headphones or earbuds and have an easier time with speaker phone than those options. Maybe try to explain how you think they are being insensitive or lacking empathy rather than just accusing them of such without explanation.
I’ve hated him since Lost. Possibly even Alias. Stupid mystery box bullcrap, Yeah, some unresolved mystery is fine. Your entire show shouldn’t revolve around boatloads of them being insufficiently explained.
Didn’t they go into the past and bring her to a different timeline in a later episode of the show or something? Or was that just her alter-ego from another dimension?
Yeah. They certainly tend towards arty bunk. I guess I get it: it has to be hard to come up with ways to describe music that haven’t been used a billion times before, but they lean so hard into trying to be unique, it all comes out meaningless.
It requires a lot of filtering, but I find Pitchfork.com reliably has something decent in their “best new …” pages. Just don’t actually read the reviews.
Near where I grew up there are these caves on a cliff side on the ocean. At the right time of day, the tide is such that the water rushes in and creates these amazing subsonic booms. You can’t hear them, but if you go down one of the walkways into the side of a cave, you can feel it. It’s crazy. Probably a similar thing.
How on Earth does one spend 557 hours on Final Fantasy VI? I’ve finished it at least a half-dozen times over the years since it came out, and I doubt I’ve spent that much time with it. And at least one of those sessions I got everyone to max level and taught them every spell in the game. I suppose I have not taught Gau all the possible Rages, but doing that sounds insufferable.
Edit: Are replies broken? This was a reply to a comment, but it showed up as a separate comment.
We filter our tap water here in Korea. Most people do, but as I understand, it’s safe to drink it just straight from the tap. It’s just better through a machine that gets rid of any lingering chlorine and heats it or chills it for you.
I live on Jeju-Do: a South Korean island with a population of ~700'000. Half of the registered electric cars in all of Korea are on the island. Anecdotally, just driving down the road to work, every third car I see is electric. We've got electric buses, scooters, and bikes all over the place too. If only we could stop the pollution blowing over from China (not that Korea is innocent of polluting their own air.)