NBI. Cultural exchange is not only one of the fundamental principles upon which the United Federation of Planets was built, but also among the purest expressions of IDIC.
If said cultural exchange were to reveal the innate superiority of the Vulcan species, one could hardly be held responsible.
Indeed, it would be an invaluable contribution to existing bodies of evidence demonstrating just that.
I think you might be able to draw a parallel with long-running serials like comic books, or even Star Trek itself. They tend to revisit old themes and revolve around a certain status quo.
They tend not to involve multigenerational obedience to an authoritarian regime, though…
As far as I know, the directive mainly applies to officers who are sent back in time and/or given the opportunity to change established history. I don’t think it would prevent someone from making an arrest in their “proper” time.
At most, it might limit their ability to interrogate the prisoner, if they can verify that the intruder is from the future and possesses knowledge that the contemporary officers can’t have.
The TNG Technical Manual has another line that I think supports this general idea:
The combination of forces produced within the warp engine core and the flow of space and subspace around the vessel created the particular engineering solution to the problem of faster-than-light travel.
This seems to support the notion that subspace itself is bleeding into real space around the ship, at least to a degree.
Except Control was already destroyed before they went through the Singularity!
They didn’t know that for sure, and the debriefings with Pike, Spock, and the gang at the end establish that they took some time afterward to confirm that Control had been completely eliminated.