I liked lorez’s comments because he explained the reasoning and stood by his opinion. Children don’t understand a one-star review doesn’t on its own communicate anything other than the uncontrolled emotion of the viewer which has nothing to do with the film.
Scorsese does that, and he’s done it again. He needs a better editor who could shorten the runtime without losing the flow. Irishman was no Goodfellas but it was a decent story. Agree it wasn’t worth the slow pace though. I think attention spans are typically shorter these days and people expect a bigger payoff than they tend to get, outside of Marvel and porn.
Cillian Murphy was good, the historical figures were well represented if you know a bit about the history of quantum mechanics, and the overall movie was a disappointment compared to the hype at the time, but it will be forgotten. That doesn’t mean it SUCKED though.
So you want people to know you use GNU+Linux, and at the same time believe you have important “private information” you’re likely to disclose while recovering from a general anaesthetic?
I rewatched it recently and became aware of how much I’d missed the first time, which made it a rich experience up there with some of the best films of any genre. It’s pretty striking. Sometimes a universally respected piece of cinema doesn’t grab me either though - a horror example that comes to mind is The Exorcist.
A lot of contemporary horror is psychological, sometimes with one or two gory/violent/jump scare scenes. If you like that, watch recent ones like Talk to Me, Relic or the Babadook (all Aussie incidentally).
Hereditary is probably the best horror of the past decade, and before that, my 21st century favourite was Kill List. But there were so many more excellent horrors, slashers, psychological thrillers, and ghostly dramas last century.
Night of the Living Dead invented the zombie genre and is still probably my favourite movie of all time. Dawn of the Dead skewers consumerism and is similar but in lurid colour. The slasher craze of the 80s started with Halloween in '79 and continued with Friday the 13th, A Nightmare on Elm Street and the many sequels from those franchises.
Other good ones in no particular order: High Tension aka Switchblade Romance, Dead Snow, Eden Lake, It Follows, Green Room, Hush, The Strangers, Martyrs, and if you’re really looking to punish yourself AND read subtitles, check out the works of Gaspar Noe, especially Irreversible. Deeply disturbing. Enjoy!