cant give individual websites permissions like js cookie etc.
Don’t you think there is a reason why none of browsers provide this feature? Do you seriously want to open a website and be greeted with 30 pop ups asking “do you want to allow javascript on website?”. Then instantly “do you want to allow loading static images/media on website?”. Point is - it’s not how web works.
Imagine in your perfect world you get a pop up saying “Firefox has detected that has saved 2 cookies on your device and they consume 43 bytes of your storage space. Do you want to delete them?”. Again, even if it saves cached data (static images) - why would you care? Firefox has addons that can help you to get rid of tracking cookies.
Please learn on how internet works. There is no such thing as “website”, especially in your context. Technically, your requested features could be possible to implement, but that would break like 100℅ of websites. And what you are probably looking for is something like Postman, but for Android. 🙆
Depends. Whatever choice you pick - go with Plasma (KDE) desktop. Most of below choices have alternative desktop flavors that offer Plasma instead of Gnome.
If your goal is to play games - something like Bazzite might work.
If your goal is to have a desktop experience with some gaming, something like NobaraOS or PopOS would work.
If your goal is only desktop experience - ubuntu will work.
If your goal is to learn and have super awesome Linux desktop - Arch Linux.
Personally I am in Arch Linux for the past decade. Tried many different ones and Arch Linux is the only one that simply “just works” for me. Not suitable for beginners.
The average user would still try to change DNS settings by editing /etc/relov.conf (which is overwritten and will not survive reboots) or changing settings in Network Manager.
No. The average user would use NetworkManager GUI integrated into DE.