I miss tether points. We have these super expensive, slippery devices and we have to stick something like a pop socket onto them to be able to get a good grip on them. I used to have these little dangly thumb loops that if I dropped my phone, it would just dangle there instead of slamming into the ground. It’s very minor, but I don’t understand why they don’t have them anymore.
We moved from Texas to Minnesota in February when I was 6.
There were huge snow banks and while the movers were loading our stuff into the new house, the neighborhood kids were watching from behind the snow banks, all bundled up in snowsuits, hats, scarves, etc.
I, very logically thought they were snow monsters watching us…
My dog. What the heck goes through her tiny dumb, dumb brain? I mean, I’m sure it would be about 90% “feed me! pet my belly! give me cookies!” But that other 10% might explain a lot.