For starters, you can add weather stripping to outside-facing doors and windows. If your landlord doesn’t want to pay for it, then it can be found cheaply on aliexpress. Also, add insulation outside-facing switch covers and outlet plates.
When I travel, I try to taste the local cuisine and love to try things that I’ve never had before. Recently I tried haggis, which was outstanding. I’ve also had hakarl (fermented shark - not really my cup of tea, but glad I tried it) and balut (surprisingly tasty)....
Grilled fruit bat in Indenesia. They “hunted” them by flying kites with hooks. Wouldn’t recommend. Cruel and disgusting.
Same country: on a trip to a volcano we ate some sort of fried rice brick with rendang or beef dip at a small road stall. It was the most simple, yet delicious meal I ever had. I still dream of that tasty brick of rice…
I travelled with a study buddy to south-east asia where food is just amazing. He ate McD every day and even refused to try the food. So we went to eat and after we finished had to find a garbage fast food location so he could have his crappy burger. I separated from him after one week. He checked in at a 3star hotel all inclusive while I travelled the country alone. Best decision ever.
What are some easy ways that you can improve energy efficiency and be more eco-friendly in your rental apartment?
For starters, you can add weather stripping to outside-facing doors and windows. If your landlord doesn’t want to pay for it, then it can be found cheaply on aliexpress. Also, add insulation outside-facing switch covers and outlet plates.
[QUESTION] What's the most interesting thing you've eaten?
When I travel, I try to taste the local cuisine and love to try things that I’ve never had before. Recently I tried haggis, which was outstanding. I’ve also had hakarl (fermented shark - not really my cup of tea, but glad I tried it) and balut (surprisingly tasty)....
[DISCUSSION] What's the pickiest you have seen someone be?
I think everyone is picky about certain things but what is the pickiest you’ve seen someone be?