The thing I hate the most about my province (Quebec), the passion people have for pickup trucks. It’s a fucking obsession, and it’s a subject that cant even be discussed, the right of owning one of those is almost the first article of our constitution.
J’en ai vu un sur le boulevard Pi-IX, le gars a “enfumé” une quunzaine de personnes qui attendaient l’autobus. Sérieux.
Moi aussi je me demandais comment autant de gens peuvent se payer des tanks de même, vu le prix, jusqu’à ce qu’un ami qui travaille en administration m’explique que la plupart des gens qui en ont font juste s’enregistrer une entreprise et le mette dessus. Même pas besoin de faire des vrais affaire avec ton entreprise, tu déclares des revenues négatifs et tu ramasses plein de crédits pour ton char. Bref, c’est nos impôts qui finance les gros chris de pickup du monde.
So…? Do you NEED a car? I didnt had a car until 34 because I didnt need one. The only reason I got one was because I moved in a different city and kind of had no choice. But I had many many bikes.
On en voit de plus en plus en ville. Les gens utilisent leur pickup pour aller à l’épicerie. Mon voisin travaille de chez lui sur un ordi et a un pickup.
Mark Twain once said · “Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.". Unfortunatly, I think we’ve reach a point where discussions is mostly useless. Recently, I had a discussion with someone trying to convince me that most young adults are now trans (lol). I told him I teach at college and Univ level, and have not yet seen a single trans person, over the hundred of young adults I had in my classes. I had to cut the conversation short after 10 minutes of him explaining to me why I’m wrong because he watch dozens of yt video that confirms he is right, even if he never step foot in a university.
I have played Eve Online so many hours, and it’s a bad game. Don’t do it. you will spend hundreds of hours dreaming about the cool thing you’ll do later, but for 99% of players the cool thing will never happen. You will be part of the one percent’s cool thing....
What series did you rewatch most often?
Movies are great, but now on to the real deal. Honestly? Who has time to rewatch a series??...
YouTube's anti-adblock rollout has finally arrived for Firefox users (
I’m sure many of you are already aware that YouTube has been rolling out anti-adblock detection for Chrome users for a few weeks now....
Choose your vehicle (
hey - trying to switch from Chrome to Firefox, what are your recommended extensions and/or quality of life addins, etc?
I won’t download your stupid app (
You have more fun with the FPS counter off (
This is an Octobass (
When you set your alarm every 5 minutes in the morning. (
Friendly reminder that the rights are not worthy of discussion (
What distro for a MacBook pro late 2013 15'
I have this laptop getting tired sitting in a drawer and asks me to work 🤪...
screaming into the void... (
Our battle will be legendary (
What video game have you played the most, that you think is garbage and no one else should ever play?
I have played Eve Online so many hours, and it’s a bad game. Don’t do it. you will spend hundreds of hours dreaming about the cool thing you’ll do later, but for 99% of players the cool thing will never happen. You will be part of the one percent’s cool thing....
Daaaad, stooooop (
I laugh at the Ford every time I see it. Today i got at chance to park next to it and the the size difference is comically large. (
One of these has definitely hauled more than the other, and i guarantee you it’s not the ford.
Fwupd 1.9.7 Adds Support for More Synaptics Prometheus Fingerprint Readers (