Responding to your deleted comment, I’m genuinely not sure how Jar Jar’s role in the downfall of the Republic in Episode 3 is the joke being made by this comment. Sorry.
Machete order says you should skip 1 because it’s bad and allegedly doesn’t add anything to the story, particularly if you’re looking at 2 and 3 as providing more context around Luke’s story in the OT.
There are protections against false DMCA claims. I think a false DMCA claim is actually perjury.
The thing is though, the vast majority of claims on YouTube are not DMCA. YouTube has their own extra-legal system called Content ID. Where a DMCA claim carries the force of law and requires the allegedly infringing content be removed from the platform, claims under Content ID are essentially a contract with YouTube, and they give the claimant the choice of taking the video down, muting it (if the allegedly infringing content is audio), or monetising it and taking all the money for the claimant. They can also do different things by region, which is why at least historically a lot of videos were taken down in Germany but available elsewhere.
That relies on their detection actually detecting the right piece.
I once recorded myself playing Beethoven’s “Pathetique” sonata, mvt 2. It gave me a strike for a recording of Beethoven’s “Moonlight” sonata, mvt 1.
edit: of course, in both cases, the thing is public domain, and no company has any right to claim copyright on it. The fact that YouTube lets them is fucking criminal. And it was the piece itself that copyright was being claimed on, not the recording.
Yeah fair enough. That sort of thing is definitely subjective and it would be impossible for anyone to say you’re wrong.
Personally, I find the new QOL features impossible to live without now. Shift-queueing absolutely any task, being able to queue multiple techs or techs and units, villagers keeping one resource until they actually start gathering—rather than losing all the gold they’re carrying just because you accidentally clicked a tree—farm autoreseeding. To me, none of these really change the fundamental way the game feels, they just make it feel like a smoother, more polished version of the original game.
Yeah for sure. That’s actually another reason that old abandonware should be kept available for people to play. If they come up with a replacement that’s good enough to displace the original, that’s awesome. But if they come up with a replacement that isn’t worth it, they shouldn’t be able to artificially prop up that version by making the original unavailable.