No wonder European countries don’t accept US high school diplomas as sufficient for acceptance into a college or university.
Yes, they do. I have been to two.
At least in my country, the highschools are not exactly good. Many students get ~30% attendance. On top of that, there aren’t enough highschool slots for students, so poorer performing students can’t go to highschool or have to pay for private school.
Genuine question, how is MacOS better for coders? I think those that do usually choose it because they’re used to it or their company offered either a bulky ThinkPad or a Mac and they wanted something thin and light.
Everytime I see tutorials for setting up or building something there will be a simple Linux install command, downloading a zip for windows (or if you’re lucky you can find it on Choco), and then there will be the multiparagraph homebrew setup.
I didn’t mention prescriptivism, I only mentioned descripticism. The usefulness of words comes from their understanding, not their use. If you use 100% valid dictionary words but not how people commonly understand them, then you’re failing to communicate. In this case, you have a definition of communism contrary to how people understand it, so you should either clarify your definition of it, or not be so attached to the word that you insist on using it.
Descriptivism isn’t about the majority deciding a definition. It’s about communicating to be understood. If you argue that the USSR was capitalist people will disagree, you might be right if you interpret capitalist through your definition though. People disagreeing with your definition doesn’t make you wrong, but it is useless, ineffective communication. Either bundle your definition with your message, or use definitions that others would understand (and that’s where descriptivism comes in).
I don’t indentify with the word democratic. But, I think the difference is it’s pretty clear that very few people would interpret the DPRK to be democratic, whereas clearly many people commonly understood the USSR to be communist. And, the meaning of words comes from how people understand them. That’s descriptivism.