You shouldn’t have taken the bait. You’re talking to a sea lion
Evidence? ;p
I will deny it of course, but there’s no point. Like Chomsky said, the person who throws the mud always wins. I haven’t asked for an infeasible amount of evidence, just any amount of evidence for a claim, and if anyone wants evidence for my claims I’m happy to provide it.
Looking around at the world and arguing that everything is fine and saying no one could possibly thing of something better is so mind boggling ignorant.
Who said that? (Is this sealioning? Asking for evidence of you accusing me of saying something I didn’t say?)
I too can pull the “I am closely involved in the industry so therefore I’m right without evidence card”. I’m literally an industrial automation engineer(and software developer).
Running one of these things takes 1 skilled person who makes sure the machine is extruding correctly by maintaining the proper water/concrete mix, and 3 unskilled people to smooth the concrete layers out.
I’m not merely talking about the operation of the machine, also the onsite assembly, maintenance, loading, etc. Do you have any citeable evidence that concrete 3D printing is more effective and efficient than traditional concrete methods in common scenarios? Because I just have what’s available on the internet which all points to it not being more effective or efficient currently.
Again wrong. My mom is a nurse and has worked with IBM as well. Currently nurses feed in all the data, and it spits out a diagnosis, then a doctor reviews it’s diagnosis and rolls with it. Considering it’s almost 99.9% accurate in diagnosis already it’s better than the doctors.
How is that me being wrong? You’re not explaining how that removes human labor. You’re just saying it improves the quality of care, which is an undeniably good thing. I guess the only error was that I didn’t specify doctor or nurse gathering the data or doing the treatment.
Lol yeah fucking right.
You are 100% bonkers man, the fact that you can spout this much bullshit is pretty incredible in and of itself.
I too love identifying with a word rather than holding my own beliefs. Then when others also identify with that word and do something bad, I say they’re not a real representation of that word.
Have you seen the concrete 3d printers by chance? My dad was smart enough to get 2 a few years ago. Not only did it cut material costs by about 50% in construction, we went from running a 20 man crew to a 4 man crew when running those things.
This is where the gaps in your perspective start, concrete 3D printing is incredibly niche, and would usually take more higher paid labor to be used in places that replace concrete methods. That’s not to mention the significant labor in their design and production.
That’s the same with medical AI, AI in general has a massive hallucination problem, but for diagnosis especially, just as many doctors are actually needed for the core part of their job- treatment and running the tests to gather the data for the AI in the first place.
The economy functions on people exchanging the product of their labor for the product of other people’s labor. The amount of useful things produced per hour of a humans labor going down is a good thing. It means we have to work less to live comfortable lives. Capitalism has been remarkably effective at that, it allows people to be as lazy as possible. Communist societies on the other hand, have had no incentive and therefore have not minimized human labor. Why invest in ways for people to work less? What benefit would the planner see in that, if they already have the people to fill those positions?
The one of the most arguments in favor of capitalism is innovation, and then people point to the several clear examples of centrally planned countries inventing something- but that forgets the equally important innovation. Innovation in production, which no centrally planned society has ever excelled at.
It is not sealioning. You are arguing something cars are blue, to address that I first have to understand what you mean by a car, and what you mean by blue. To me, fascism seems much more contradictory with right-libertarianism than with certain forms of socialism. Hence why I think its more reasonable to say its not far-right. That is unless your definition for right-wing is “bad”, and the badder it is, the further right it is. That’s why I asked for clarification.
My basis for my principles are not my own interest but rather my moral principles. There are plenty of Republicans I oppose, but also some I support, such as Rand Paul