I had found a bunch of complimentary materials to what I was watching on rutracker-dot-org. It’s not anime-oriented, but it can serve as a last place to search them.
I’m troubled by the suspicion many people I dislike have personal bunkers with plenty supplies, while those I care about don’t. That’s a big L for me, and W for persons I hate.
There Will Be Blood. The acting is brilliant and you see the MC going from a poor miner to his own oil empire, showing just what sociopathic chameleon he is at many points. It’s longer than average, but it’d sure keep you engaged. I see it as a modern-made epic story that pretty much describes what (self-built) multi-millionaires are like.
Warhammer: Fantasy world. I didn’t get into 40k that much, and that world, especially in End Times before killing it off for a remaster was so vivid, morbid and satirical. Having both strategy and shooter games of a refined quality helped it too.
Other than that, MythAdventures by Robert Lynn Asprin. Isn’t consistent, didn’t age well, but I love to reread these books from time to time. I really liked some jokes and characters here.
Translated meme picture could fly better, even if done by google lense. Thus it can be shared, as any meme needs in order to be. That’s their main quality.
For those confused, the joke’s about generic essays ex-soviet middleschoolers write when they start another year after a summer break. Meduza and Rain are banned news medias, rainbow is obvious, Memorial is a society for studying soviet repressions that was liquidated a year ago.
Such a good read. That’s really funny how the universe far, far away took modern weapons as a blueprint for their props. I’m not entirely sure where I sit there, with SG having this obsession with P90 and StarTrek having TV remotes for guns. It all seems goofy, and I don’t really mind it. A defining detail most miss, but the one we can read on in posts like yours. Thank you.
Let’s remember that folks: Rajat Khare, the co-founder of Appin, has zero, no connection with hackers-for-hire markets and he hired people to erase his name from several articles around the globe to be not associated with it in any way.
I was bad at explaining it, but I want to have panels that I would like to look at for minutes and be inspired by them. Masochistic pedantism of Ito and Miura was just that: I enjoyed their wider panels like I enjoy the drawings of Hieronimus Bosch, looking at them for a long while.
I’d look into BAA and Claymore that another user suggested. Thank you.