Not necessarily in all countries, but in the USA I’d say all Republicans are fascist, or at least complicit in the spread of fascism. The conservative wing of the Dems, nah.
Because it’s entrenched, and any other platform that can provide the reasons YouTube got popular (PeerTube cannot) would run into the same issues eventually. Most of the best YouTube content nowadays is by people who rely on it as at least a secondary income, so it provides no real benefit for creators to post content elsewhere.
The first time I tried to switch to Linux, it was a bad choice of Distro (Puppy, I think Lucid Puppy, where I learned that I would rather use Windows 3.1’s UI than stock XFCE) me incorrectly believing I could just run it from USB all the time so my family could just use Windows (I couldn’t have been older than 14 and the PC was old at the time, we got it in 2005 and it came with XP and struggled with Windows 7, and the storage was low,) and just not making an earnest effort to learn Linux. This was all user error. I tried Mint also, which straight-up didn’t work on my hardware at the time.
The second time I tried to switch, Mint again, about a year or two and a new PC after the first. I think Cinnamon is one of the best UIs ever made, but I also think Windows 10’s is pretty good (to be clear I despised Windows 7’s UI,) and I ran into compatibility issues and ultimately found that, with no strong benefit to web browsing or gaming (this was well before Proton) which were the main things I used my PC for, and still needing a lot of Windows software, just being mostly Windows worked.
Last time I tried to use Linux earlier this year, I didn’t intend to switch fully, but I wanted to switch my music making hobby, that I do with Linux Multimedia Studio, to Linux because some features of LMMS don’t work on the Windows version (I wanted to link multiple channels to a single VST plugin, which is necessary for the VST plugin “Genny” to produce a file that works on a real Sega Genesis.) This feature does work on the Linux version of LMMS, but Genny itself does not (and I did install WINE, some other VSTs did work.)
I’d love to say I’ll switch when Windows 10 EOL hits, Windows 11 has a fucking awful UI and starts to introduce some of the reasons I’ve never seriously considered Mac or iOS (I feel like Windows used to at least respect that my PC is MY PC when Win11 doesn’t,) but I can’t because that last one still sticks in my mind. I keep a Mint partition on my PCs, but it’s pretty much solely for doing things that might get me malware on Windows, or helping fix Windows if I break it.
The worst world of the ones I’ve watched is probably Rebuild of Evangelion, particularly if it’s during 3.0. Any Eva except for post-3.0+1.0 is pretty bad, but Rebuild 3.0 is probably the worst.
I’d say Psycho-Pass would be the worst I’ve heard of, but I’ve never actually watched that.
Honestly most shows that aren’t either in the slice of life genre or have the action hidden from normal people would suck to live in as a normal person. Even relatively light-hearted Dragon Ball would be a downgrade.
Papa John’s. Far and away the best chain pizza, and the biggest topping selection of any pizza restaurant I’ve seen. I’d still say local pizza is usually better though, but Papa John’s is good enough that if I don’t want to fret over where I’m getting pizza from it’s my pick.
ReactOS is fascinating, when I was younger and dumber I was optimistic about the project…but at it’s current rate it’ll never be an actual usable daily driver, and with Proton, the need for it is lessening, not growing.