This is relatable. In my experience, the only way to prevent is to make it literally impossible to leave for the place without bonking into the thing. Like don’t put the thing next to the door, put it in front of the door.
That’s certainly a possibility, but if someone told me they were put on a PIP, and asked me what they should expect, I’d tell them that in all likelihood it means that they are going to be let go in the near future.
It’s a different story if the company does regular performance management with all employees. For example I work in the public sector and we do annual performance reviews, but also annual performance agreements, which are basically PIPs but without the prerequisite that performance has diminished.
Yeah. Just to add, it is ostensibly meant to be a way of going “hey, it looks like your performance is suffering. Maybe this is due to workload, stress, etc. problems. Let’s work together to get you back on track”. But of course it is really a sinister way to invent reasons why someone needs to be fired. Because if you get fired after PIP then HR can say “well we tried our best to help you succeed and you just couldn’t do it”
They are a way of gaslighting and victim blaming an employee while firing them.
How about if we said we believe the loss of innocent life is wrong no matter what the nationality? That would also result in people getting mad at us. Sometimes these would be different people getting mad, but that doesn’t really change things on our end. And most significantly, it could hurt our quarterly revenue, which is the worst tragedy imaginable.
Lol. Was this published before or after Bernie Sanders got yelled at for making that exact statement?