That won't help much. By the time anyone notices the roads are slowing down there are six times as many cars on it as it can safely handle. Driving skills will help on backroads, but that isn't where most people are driving. No amount of training can make heavy traffic safe.
No, PRIVATE transit. I don't support the government building roads - that is meddling in the natural state of things and makes private industry unable to compete. If you must have socialist roads than you must have socialist transit as well, but I reject that.
In the real world when you see .9 you often should round it. You rarely have as much precision as presenting - .5 should generally be seen as 1 unless you have reason to believe the measurement is that precise.
Sadly it works out for them overall. It only takes a few times of getting to the next light as it turns yellow and they are way ahead while you are sitting there at a red light. Sure sometimes you get to see them when it doesn't work out, but when it works out they are long gone.
It would, but worse. Both are a case of more cars than there is space. Heavy congestion would just need a lot more lanes to fix - maybe 10x as many. (don't ask me to pay for that or where those lanes go)
Or in short, support better transit for your city. For that cost of miles of 15 lane highways you can put in a lot of transit.
Different bases would have different things they cannot represent as a decimal, but no matter what base you can find something that isn't there.
For real world use base 12 is much nicer than base 10. However it isn't perfect. Circles are 360 degrees because base 360 is even nicer yet, but probably too hard to teach multiplication tables.
Traffic is a numbers game. I've often observed that in free flowing traffic where I live (a tiny city with only about 700k people in the entire metro) that if you take two cars that are a safe following distance apart there will be 5 cars in between. If we put in 6 times as many lanes (already a 3-4 lane freeway each way, so we are talk 20 lanes for my tiny city!) traffic wouldn't go any faster, but they would space out to most maintaining a safe following distance. (if you put in 7 times as many lanes they would get farther apart yet, but still not go faster)
Carhart overalls (knock off brands might or might not be good). A good sweatshirt. Unzip or remove as needed - different parts of the day and different activities demand different levels of outwear. At the end of the day find all the clothes you shed and pack them back home for the next days.
For chilly days the cheap "jersey" gloves work great: buy a case. You need a new pair every day, but they are thin enough that they are easy to work in and cheap enough that you don't care about a new pair daily. For cold days the yellow "chore gloves" work great, keep a dozen around so you can switch when they get wet. Most of the time I just let them air dry in my car.
Only really cold days have breakfast and start later in the day.
The only think I can't help you with is when it is -1C and raining. If at all possible stay home.
Because the people who developed X11 (that is Xorg) haven declared that. Maybe they should have named it X12, but they didn't for whatever reason. However the people doing the work have already given up on working on X11 they gave up on X11 beyond the bare minimum almost 10 years ago because some real issues with X11 as a protocol are not fixable.
There were other attempts to a successor to X11, but they never got the support of people doing the work on X11 (in part because they didn't understand the problem with X11 and so kept many bad things while 'fixing' things that were not broken)
Which is to say: you have two choices: get involved with continuing X11 development, or jump to Wayland. Throw a couple million $$$ per year at X11 (either pay developers, or convince a dozen developers to maintain X11) and I'll retract my statement, until then X11 is dead. If you cannot do that then Wayland is your only option.
I.have them, but they are not really more durable than Teflon. I somehow destroyed the seasoning on one and I have no idea how to fix it. It looks perfect, but eggs stick. I.use cast iron or stainless steel for most cooking, reserving these for eggs only. I just plan on replacing my egg pans every 3-5 years, they are cheap.
Sometimes. Generally doesn't order you to live where you do. If you want paid commuting time they will tell you to move next door so your time is 1 minute (that zoning doesn't allow this or someone else lives there isn't their problem ).
If you are told to travel from one office to another though you should be paid for your time. If they transfer your office they may owe you moving expenses so your commute isn't too long '
They have failed one of their code jobs: validating advertisements are legitimate. I don't know why any legitimate company would advertise with google as you get associated with the scams they allow on their ad platform.
Lead is only one factor of pollution though. You will note that i acknowledged it exists. There is no objective way to say what is the most important factor or how you compare them.