Remember how Volkswagen got in trouble a few years back for faking emissions when the car detected it was being tested. It would interesting to see if something like that could exist with RAM and task manager. is one of the best services I pay for. I know paying for Internet search seems outrageous because we’ve been accustom to our data being the payment, but I think it’s worth it. The search feature and added stuff really make it very functional plus the no adds or SEO type sites is bonus.
There’s a pretty good video on YouTube that details it’s failure. The Russians also had something similar and I think they where more successful at it.
I’ve messed up my system so many times over the years that now I think I secretly get excited when it accidentally happens. Maybe I’m a masochist, but I actually enjoy trying to understand what went wrong. A USB stick with a light weight Linux distro and chroot you can usually get back in there and look around at the damage.