Matriks404, (edited ) You can explore a cave and not be a dumbass.
I like caves (been to like only 2 or 3 though, lol), but if I become stupid enough to trap myself in one, I hope no one would risk a life to rescue me. That’s what’s actually the worst thing about situations like this.
squiblet, Yeah, the articles about this explain how there was a multi day rescue effort, several people were so traumatized they never wanted to cave again, one rescuer got smashed in the face with a pulley that came out of the ceiling, and the cave ended up being sealed with concrete. It was known as an easy cave though and the rescuers weren’t otherwise in danger.
pete_the_cat, This is just plain stupidity IMO. Dude deserves a Darwin Award.
Honytawk, Going spelunking? Whatever floats your boat
Crawling into a small crack? Dangerous.
But why the fuck did he go into it head first?
EncryptKeeper, He was trying to reach a particular place in the cave but wasn’t where he thought he was. Both the place he was trying to reach and the place he actually was, are extremely tight squeezes that are literally impossible to turn around in. The difference is, the place he thought he was, has a large cavern on the other end where you can stand up and turn around. Once he realized he wasn’t where he thought he was, his only real option was to move forward and hope it led somewhere with more room. Falling into the hole the way he did was largely an accident in pursuit of that goal.
dipshit, feet don’t have eyes
Gork, A good article about this story is here.
pastaPersona, Nutty Putty Cave jesus who the hell names these caves?
SnokenKeekaGuard, Nutty putty people
Fedizen, What a fucking dumbass
Agent641, This hole… it was made for him
Moc, Drrrr drrr
Emerald, Image Transcription: Twitter Post and Replies
Morbid Knowledge, @Morbidful
A diagram of how John Edward Jones was stuck for 27 hours in nutty putty cave before passing away.
kira👾, @kirawontmiss
wanna know something crazy to prevent this? not exploring a cave
A_Random_Idiot, (edited ) Hell, explore the cave.
Just don’t go forcing your way into places you clearly cant fit shouldnt be in, like a fucking idiot.
That shit wasnt cute when you did it as a kid and force your parents to destroy the stair railing just to get your fat fucking head out between the bannisters, and its even less so now when you do it to the entire fucking earth.
Redfugee, This video detailing the event was more uncomfortable to watch than expected, if you really imagine what it must have been like… Horrible way to go.
volvoxvsmarla, Honestly in some way he was lucky. There were people helping him and trying to rescue him and he could hear them directly and even see someone’s face at a point, they even gave him a radio to communicate to his wife waiting outside of the cave. He was comforted and had company and hope. A lot of other “explorers” or “adventurers” who die in freak accidents don’t have that much luck.
supercriticalcheese, I don’t know if I would classify as lucky given his ultimate fate.
SCB, (edited ) Brave people push boundaries so that less brave people can read things in books.
Edit: I assume the people downvoting this obvious truth think I’m calling them cowards. I assure you I will be right there with you curled up reading books about caving. Fuck all that.
A_Random_Idiot, This isnt brave or pushing boundaries.
This is just an imbecile commiting suicide with extra steps.
WoahWoah, (edited ) And yet, here you are reading about it, reading others’ thoughts about it, and engaged in a conversation about it.
Think of it like a book club.
A_Random_Idiot, Cause the internet loves idiots who get what they deserve for being stupid
has nothing to do with bravery or boundaries.
samus12345, Well, yes, but you can be brave and take precautions at the same time. He wouldn’t have died if he’d followed proper caving guidelines.
SCB, The question posed is “Why do it”
samus12345, “Because it’s there,” I assume. But if you’re gonna have a potentially dangerous hobby, you should at least be sure to take the necessary precautions before risking your life.
HelixDab2, Like having a good life insurance policy that pays out even if you die doing something stupid? And maybe having a fake tooth filled with cyanide so you can go out quickly instead of dying of exposure?
samus12345, People who do this kinda stuff never think they’re actually going to die.
Zehzin, Brave people push boundaries, stupid people purposely shove their entire bodies into a hole and die
shasta, Seriously. He could’ve shone a flashlight down there and seen it was a death trap before going down
quicksand, I think a boroscope is an important tool he didn’t use
Rockyrikoko, (edited ) I think he was already fucked. His only option was to keep going in hopes a section lay ahead big enough for him to turn around and start crawling out
Willer, Brave people push boundaries, stupid people purposely shove their entire bodies into a hole and die expect to live
spirinolas, Book title: How I fucked around.
Zehzin, That’s a crazy story, I hope someone makes an original video about it
ours, Man in cave 2: Plagiarism Boogaloo
Thermal_shocked, 127 hours 2: 100 hours less
PeWu, The anxiety I felt when I looked at this picture is so immense I’m scared to read the article.
Blackmist, Now imaging crawling into a cave, and being blocked by somebody else’s shoes.
PixlShft, Imagine dying in a place called Nutty Putty Cave.
spudwart, Yoinky Spelunky
Snowpix, Cummy Caverns
Agent641, Yes we all know your mum
Fedizen, I mean that sounds like it could be filled with peanut butter.
ChillPenguin, Imagine your grave is named Nutty Putty Cave. They left his body in there.
gatelike, nsfl
spikederailed, correct
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