The few times in my life I’ve been to therapy or counseling on times at very different ages in my life for wildly different reasons, it’s interesting that every single time, it amounted to them nicely asking me to let it go. Just stop letting whatever IT is affect you. Thanks asshole. How is that a fucking career?
At my giant workplace, they don’t think people are “experienced” enough unless they move around. Then in hiring they also comment negatively about those who move around too much. It’s all arbitrary bullshit. Whatever random feelings a hiring manager has. Never what is actually needed for the job.
I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car. I put a dollar in, won a car.