Spooky season will be over soon but we still have time to binge some Halloween favorites so share your favorite Halloween movie recommendations in this thread.
Came across this channel recently. Chris Young is the creator of the Joule Sous Vide stick as well as the Combustion thermometer line. He’s going some really interesting, science-based, cooking videos, so thought I’d share.
Of course he’s going to say that, but somehow this is the first I’ve heard that Fede Álvarez is directing an Alien movie. It’s hard to be optimistic about a new Alien announcement lately, but I’m hoping this gets a treatment similar to Dan Trachtenberg’s Prey. It’s also a Hulu release so we’ll see.
Kenji did a great video walking around Uwajimaya explaining the different varieties of common Japanese ingredients and what he recommends getting. I’d say anyone looking to dip their toes or season experts of Japanese cooking will find some good info here.