They could have fitted the whole ring / tape / mouse assembly into a small paper bag Aragorn could have kept it in his jacket and fed it little bits of lembas on the way how lovely x
Some memes are easy, some memes need an explanation. Fortunately this one comes with context - highly convenient. Perhaps we should be pushing for legislation to make this mandatory. Big Meme has had free reign for too long
It don't matter if you're green or white (
So unfair (
Wtf duolingo (
The average temperature in my area is 10°C above the historical average today (
But first they would need to invent some tape (
They could have fitted the whole ring / tape / mouse assembly into a small paper bag Aragorn could have kept it in his jacket and fed it little bits of lembas on the way how lovely x
When people ask me why I'm always posting memes (
My bet is still with the Zuck! (
You traded the popemobile for this?! (
He did not, in fact, trade the popemobile for this.
I wonder what they did before (
I Will try to post more OC going forward x
Birds are weird (
(I ❤️ birds)
I guarantee if they could they would (
Kinda morbidly fascinating to see Google devolve into a horrible bucket of shit
I’m actually something of a dumbo chungus myself (
Bong is one of the funniest words in English and you can’t change my mind
Why is Hummus attacking Israel? Is he stupid? (
Just plain good advice (
Toyota Hilux is best lux (
walk emoji (
old stock photo meme from my childhood
8 October 2023 (
There's a reason they went to war over Helen of Troy (
Perfect thanks (
obsessed, i tell you (
Some memes are easy, some memes need an explanation. Fortunately this one comes with context - highly convenient. Perhaps we should be pushing for legislation to make this mandatory. Big Meme has had free reign for too long