it’s not a nirvana fallacy. they’re actually right, being vegan has no impact at all. a peace treaty actually creates peace. buying beans just means beans are sold, it doesn’t do anything to change any of the problems.
Reducing demand for said production at a large scale WOULD (this is in conjunctive because it’s still a small movement so IT HASN’T HAPPENED YET - we all know that) over time force said production to scale down.
you’re the one telling people being vegan will help, but now you’re admitting it doesn’t. you should just go edit the comments where you lied about this and apologize to the people who might have been misled.
I guess large scale veganism still only removes loads of industrial processes/co2 production, unspeakable animal abuse and insane amounts - and i mean ludicrous amounts - of wasted drinking water.
oil is 17.2%. since a soybean is only about 20% oil to begin with, you need to crush 85% of all soybeans to get that much oil. do you see how the vast majority of what is fed to animals is called “soy meal” or “soy cake”? that’s the industrial waste from processing soybeans to oil.