Just looking at the thumbnail of this post reveals to me that reddit has takgen a bad step. An icon which scales well and is highly recognizable changed to something that looks like a badly generated figure which is way less recognizable. The added colors will make it look worse on different colored backgrounds as well. Not great.
Reaching almost 5000 meters is very impressive, and I love the plan of popping the balloons with a BB-gun to control the descent. I’m almost annoyed that they fined this unique effort.
0 is very cold, 100 is very hot. So 50 is perfect room temperature, right?
Nope, you still have to adjust to an arbitary selection of numbers within that range, so it’s not really any more helpful than celcius if you don’t have experience with the scale.
The wind resistance shouldn’t be dependant on the mass. Shape of the sleigh would be the real factor.
But another thing to consider is that the gigantic mass and heat capacity. Given that the sleigh has a good heat distribution, it would take a lot of air resistance to actually make the sleigh combust. I don’t have a decent guess for the average heat capacity, so I don’t actually know if it’s significant enough, but the calculation is more complex than just looking at the speed.
I thought we agreed that he was in a quantum state, a superposition of all children’s homes, relying on not being observed as it would collapse the quantum state.
They are divorced, and there was a dispute over several months (or years) to resolve the divorce with several rumors about cheating and other controversies. Not saying that it indicates an physically abusive relationship, but the relationship wasn’t great either.
I basically knew every line of Space Jam by heart. I even knew when to look for the funny parts of the VHS when rewinding it and watching the movie in reverse.
To keep in line with the meme, you must acknowledge that bikes also have pollution from tire wear and replacement, require road salt many places, causes accidents which lead to wounds or death of humans and animals and causes pollution from brake wear and manifacturing.
As the post clearly implies, if you can’t fix every issue with something simultaneously, then you should’t attempt to fix anything at all. /s