To keep in line with the meme, you must acknowledge that bikes also have pollution from tire wear and replacement, require road salt many places, causes accidents which lead to wounds or death of humans and animals and causes pollution from brake wear and manifacturing.
As the post clearly implies, if you can’t fix every issue with something simultaneously, then you should’t attempt to fix anything at all. /s
I sometimes move around in my house while talking, since I’m a nervous guy when it comes to phone calls. Having the phone at chest or waist level makes it a lot quicker to change hands or even use lower arms or elbows to hold things or open doors or whatever. It’s just less constraining, even if it’s marginal.
Kerbal Space Program (not 2) has around 300 hours on my steam account. I have played around equally much on another account. KSP2 is painful to see perform so badly.