Don’t have time for a longer post right now. But here’s my question about the wealth tax -
Trickle down BS and Invisible Hand BS all say that if people have wealth, they WILL reinvest it. That’s the correct thing to do.
When you drive a car, the correct thing to do is drive safely and at a logical speed. If you do irrational driving, you get a ticket.
So why isn’t it logical that if you are participating in a capitalist economy, and not doing the correct thing of constantly reinvesting your money, then the govt should fine you for it?
Wealth shouldn’t just sit around and do nothing, specially in foreign bank accounts. If it does, it should be fined… or taxed.
Is there a search engine that stores generic search vector information in a p2p fashion and allows users to search so that their local and then other people’s remotes get searched in that order?
Stop buying it. Starve yourself of it by just not having it around.
Keep a tall glass or bottle of warm water with you when you’re junking on content. Keep sipping it. Slowly. Over time you’ll finish the bottle and get up to pee. That’s there number 3 comes in.
Recognize another harmful pattern here. Is your approach to watching content affecting your mood or causing you to spiral into junk food addiction? Maybe cut down on the YouTube videos. Or if you enjoy them a lot, combine them with some other activity you can do with your hands - drawing, writing, lifting weights, anything. Basically understand that your hands are idle while your brain is engaged and that’s causing you to reach for that packet of food.
Recognize that junk food is an addiction. Deal with it as you would an alcohol or nicotine addiction. You can go cold turkey or taper down. But you have to commit. You have to hold yourself accountable. But do not let yourself get bogged down by failure. Addiction is difficult to deal with. Deal with it anyway.
Woot! Looking forward to this. I loved the first one, for the story and for the strangeness of things in it. Remember the clamshell e-book reader? Need more of that tech in real life!