When I worked as a cashier in a grocery store many years ago, someone gave me some checks to pay their bill. I didn’t even look at the damn thing, just inputted the numbers it said and started running them through the check machine. It seemed to go through the machine correctly.
But just then the manager ran over and stopped the transaction. They were fake checks.
I guess silly me assumed things would just automatically not go through in the modern age, but I guess it showed me that I really have no idea how check machines like that work.
Still don’t, but I don’t work that job anymore so it doesn’t matter.
What does “the browser client” mean? I can see the gifs of the person you are responding to both when using Brave browser to access lemmy.world, and on my phone using Voyager.
Yeah, I don’t mean to say that it’s a total scam…just that it’s ok to want to weigh your options to see what is worth it and what isn’t. Especially because braces ain’t cheap. And if someone doesn’t want it, then it’s appreciated to stop harping on them about it every single time.
I honestly have no idea what model the toothbrush was, but it wouldn’t surprise me if it had that sort of feature. Nice to have for some, but not something I seem to have a need for.
Yeah, I had to switch dentists because of a move, and my current dentist won’t stop recommending me braces.
“It’s not just cosmetic. It will help the functionality and longevity of your teeth.” I mean, my teeth aren’t absolutely perfect, but they function and look fine to me. I have only ever had one other dentist mention that as a suggestion forever ago when I was a kid, and they didn’t keep harping in about it.
It makes me super suspicious about it because the last dentist I had never mentioned a thing about braces, and my current one keeps bringing it up unprompted. My current one also tried to sell me a $300 toothbrush.
This reminds me. At work, I’ve had to help during rapid consultation procedures for surgeons while they are performing a surgery. It involves you cutting tissue microscopically thin with a very sharp blade within this specialized machine.
Well one day I am cutting and cutting and I just can’t get anything to work. It’s making a mess and fucking everything up.
I look down and realize I didn’t even have the blade in the machine lmaooo. I was trying to cut with blunt metal. What a goober move.
Idk. I’m not in IT, but I’ve always seemed to have a tendency to try to troubleshoot tech problems.
I help out my coworkers, parents, and even my younger sibling on occasion (he’s in his early 20s). If it’s solely an age thing, then you’d think I wouldn’t be doing it with those similar to my own age or younger than me.
At work I even figured out why our headsets (vital to our job) would intermittently fail and stop working, absolutely destroying our workflow. Our IT department couldn’t manage to figure it out. But I eventually found that it intermittently conflicted with a program on the computer (Microsoft Teams).
I’m absolutely no genius and my knowledge is probably rather minimal. But I think it’s a difference in attitude and affinity for the stuff.