Feels like pepe has been a dying meme for years now, but racists will fight tooth and nail to keep it alive. “iTs NoT A HAtE iCoN, WE tOoK IT baCK!” I don’t care to have it back, it can just get buried and stay there, please.
I’m saying that the mention of Fintech in the First Case would IMPLY that the WebDev also deals with Fintech. If both devs have comparable skillsets then it makes sense to compare their pay rates.
Feels like a pretty weak argument to compare my statement “give your life purpose” to the larger socioeconomic issue of lack of upward mobility of class. I didn’t tell anybody how to get rich quick, I told them how to rationalize an end to self harm.
I think I did kind of okay for an explanation on such a complex subject in only 23 words. I guarantee you that a person without all three of those things won’t break an addiction, but also yeah it can’t be any better defined because all three of them are subjective to the person in question. A good work ethic for me is not the same as it is to you, a purpose in life can be anything, and pursuing the goal can have wildly different meaning as well.
Present it. She literally published a book and accepted paid speaking events. Accusing Biden pays all of her bills. Last I heard the only people who were willing to side with Reade was her mother and her neighbor. If there were a sexual harassments claim in a government office then there are normally large paper trails and documented statements involved.
Listen, I can say that any number of past employers raped me, but why does that alone constitute evidence? Tara Reade has plenty enough to gain from lying, and nobody who worked there corroborates the claim. They even called it absurd.
Tara Reade’s story is purely hearsay, and she didn’t come forward until Biden was running for president 26 years later. Everyone who worked in that office at that time said it would be totally out of character and they’ve never heard anything like it.
All that stuff about Obama is whataboutism and honestly the man looks like a saint compared to Trump and Bush.
Won’t anybody think of the figuratively poor polluting corporations?!
I remember one party passed HR 1 For the People Act through congress for it to die in the senate controlled by the other, but keep talking about how both sides don’t want campaign finance reform.