If I could find a good Peertube instance, I’d take it upon myself to reupload everything I like there. I collect the 1080p(60h if available) clips locally for Kodi anyway…
Last time I tried this myself I could play a lot, but never the ones I wanted and ended up switching back anyway. Ever since I’ve just always been running a linux and a windows PC, each to its best use.
I must stress however this experience of mine was over a decade ago and I have heard there’s been a lot of improvement on the subject, with steamdeck becoming a thing and alike, so I have no up-to-date experience in what runs and what doesn’t anymore. What I cán tell you however is that whichever Windows-only game did play (using Wine back then, dunno how it’s done these days) always played at least 2-5x better than on the actual Windows it was made for. 😅
So good luck and I would love some information as to your eventual result!