Yet if I enter something like ‘resolv’ in Google I need to add ‘-resolve’ to not get hundreds of unrelated results… Same goes for any not-too-popular software that is named a slight misspelling of their purpose… I even find it ridiculous how often first results litterally say underneath they did not contain your query…
But with terabox and “content plaza” it gives 2 results?
Startpage I have no idea, but I’m guessing they, like many, use the Google API for webcrawler results… 1 result? Those are pretty common words,…
Yeah, but unlike 20 years ago where it just came with email accounts, Newsgroups/Usenet aren’t/isn’t free anymore, right? Well, you have some free ones still, but they are filtered for piracy and alike, so rather unusable.
So, do you happen to know any free ones with everything still available or do you just pay for Usenet? If the latter, I don’t really see the difference with streamingservices (other than maybe having the file locally, but torrent does that for free too) and it takes away the whole reason of pirating stuff if you’re still gonna pay for it, imho. If the first though: Please share! 😅
If I could find a good Peertube instance, I’d take it upon myself to reupload everything I like there. I collect the 1080p(60h if available) clips locally for Kodi anyway…
I would disagree as I have torn my skin without meds once even. I did not burst any bloodvessils, but at one point in my life it kinda went harder than ever before, rupturing my outer skin on the shaft and on the gland… It was no fun sight as it healed while peeling.
If that can happen without any meds, I can surely believe it can on.
Just a fun FYI: If you want to know what can be seen torrenting from your current IP, visit
It wil show you anything publicly trackable and occasionally assign tags according to your habits. You can also check anybody else’s IP you know of too, and look at what your IP-neighbors have on their name,…
Tags I’ve seen assigned are mostly ‘Porn’ if you torrent at least 1 known xxx and I even encountered a highlighted differently-colored tag twice in neigboring IP’s that clearly state it’s questionable content of subjects that did not go through the accepted minimum amount of birthdays yet.
Always an interesting tool to check when connected to a friend’s wifi or a public shared one… 😅
No offense, but that sounds like more OCD behavior. 😅 I don’t need or want protection against myself, and I even loath the whole “that’s not how you’re supposed to do it”-mentality of linux (where when commands know very well what you want, instead of doing it, just tell you you forgot something). 😅