Here’s a little hack if you do have to use youtube:
Every ad: you swipe down, close video, restart,… After a couple of times doing that, the abuse-filter kicks in and it will just show you the video. If you keep doing that a while, ads just stop for a while as it thinks it’s being abused. 😅
Probably will stop working one day too, but still works for me today.
Got it a 7 years ago, haven’t lost the ejector since… Even amazes myself everytime I need it and it’s still there… 😅 Before this mine usually didn’t last a week.
It’s the hilarity of repetitive behavior for no obvious reason mostly, tbh. It’s admittedly something not everyone sees as funny, though… Many will see repetitive nonsense, that seems to have no origin worthy of it, as annoying and it can even drive them mad, but it’s that very thing which they find annoying what makes it funny to the rest of us. 🤷♂️
You could compare it to laughing with ironic misfortune of oneself. Some will curse after falling down the stairs, while others will find it funny in a situational way and laugh it off…
I myself can appreciate a repetitive nonsense meme that seems to be a wave through the world’s people, though. It makes no real sense, and I might even go as far as calling it sus… 😅
That had me go and look it up and apparently you’re right that they use part of the carbon dioxide as energy storage, but as I understand this storage eventually gets released in full when the tree dies too…
Not sure if that would be so much to balance it out again, but it does still diminish their overall effect even more…