That typically requires an officer to determine if a life is actually at risk because of the dog. Call me crazy, but I don’t think anyone who interprets a Chihuahua as a life risk needs to be serving on a swat team.
Our Chihuahua that’s abnormally strong strong from steroids because of her Addison’s disease has trouble getting out from under a weighted blanket.
Yeah, they can be loud assholes and they can break skin when they bite, but they can’t take a squirrel in a fight. They’re far from a life-threatening danger to armored kill teams.
Why are the mods allowed to comment on posts in a manner that displays that they know personal information about your daily activities and your online identity?
They didn’t do either, you’re responding to a paranoid schizophrenic. Their post and comment history are full of nonsense about being tracked, doxxed, and gangstalked.
It seems like this website is spying on me already. I’ve been getting swatted by a scorned Ex for a couple years now. Her friends create distractions and like to point fingers at Corporations and use them as shields.
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