Actually, I have a story that I’d consider an achievement even though it was extremely stupid and by all accounts should’ve bricked the system but didnt.
So I was on windows and wanted to install linux as a dual-boot on the main drive. The problem was that my mobo didnt like this particular and the only flash drive I’ve had, dropping it out mid-boot, before I got any usable terminal, so a usual install method wasn’t an option. So I had this crazy idea to start a vmware vm in windows and pass the linux iso and the boot drive directly to it and try to install it live over the running system. Unfortunately, vmware guys thought of this and there’s a check that disallows passing the boot drive to vms. So i created a bunch of .vmdks for another drive and fiddled with them in notepad until I somehow managed to trick vmware and at some point it started booting the same windows copy that I was sitting on. I quickly powered it off, added the linux iso and proceeded to install like I usually would. It did involve some partition shuffling, but, somehow, it went smoothly, linux installed, grub caught on, and even windows somehow survived, even though it was physically moved around on the disk. It serms that vmware later patched this out, because later in an attempt to re-create the trick of running the same copy of windows twice, but after updates to both windows and vmware, I was met with the same old error that boot drive is not allowed when trying to add that same virtual drive I had laying around.
I suspect that it’s not Linux that is on the rise, but overall PC market that is shrinking. It’s been a trend for quite a while for non-linux people to dump the PC entirely in favor of using just phone.
You can turn the handle into horizontal position, open the window, then turn the handle all the way up , and it will fall a little forward, like both modes combined, and seemingly hanging on just the bottom hinge (it’s not, there’s just a retracting bar at the top hinge).
You can also usually lock the second mode mid-way by jamming the handle at 3/4 position.
I actually misread this meme as “Hey hosing market, where are you going”. Oh well, the house on chicken legs is still quite rad though.
But. this got me wondering - could you actually legally live in the US federal land in such a house, that moves to a different location every so often? I know some RV guys live like this, but would an actual building that can move itself, be okay, too?
What’s up with Armenia and terrible PC’s tho? I have honestly fished better equipment from literal trash cans than what’s offered in most the PC stores over there. Is there like some ill-concieved embargo on electronics in place?
As a serious note, what has happened on 7th of october was most definitely known beforehand by Israeli government and was entirely under their control, if not staged by them in the first place. Unless you don’t know, the gaza strip is (unlawfully) blockaded from all sides, including the sea, with rigorous checkpoint inspections to make sure that absolutely nothing goes in or out without Israeli knowledge. There is a huge fucking wall on the border that’d make Trump jealous, patrolled 24/7 by a whole battalion of armed forces and equipped with the most state-of-the art surveillance equipment, capable of tracking every single bird flying over Gaza. The only way a bunch of bozos on bulldozers could even approach it undetected is if Israeli intentionally removed security and disabled surveillance over some parts of the wall.
Thanks, I’ll check it out. Yeah, there’s not much features to expect from a teapot other than maybe specific cutoff temperatures for brewing exotic sorts of tea. Other than that, reliability is the main concern, and I’ve had even the seemingly well built ones suddenly die on me for no particular reason.
I recently been arguing with some dude about some PUBG mechanics. It took me quite some time to realize that he was playing PUBG mobile, never played the PC version or even knew that it even existed for that matter. For him, PUBG simply meant PUBG mobile. For those people, they don’t even consider using PC for gaming. They might consider console, but PC to them is just more or less a typewriter for school/office tasks.
No. The arrow function in where eliminates any possibility of using indexes. And how do you propose to deal with logical expressions without resorting to shit like .orWhereNot() and callback hell? And, most importantly, what about joins?
It’s not the amount of services that’s the problem, the competition is aleays a good thing. It’s exclusives that are the problem. Almost noone is complaining about origin and uplay even thouhh it’s games are available via a launcher launching yet another launcher. But epic? Everyone hates epic precisely because of their exclusive deals taking content off of other platforms. And for streaming, I guess if some of the players worked out some deal to get their hands on exclusives from other platforms, people would stop complaining about it, even if they jack up the prices to ultimately end up with the same amount of revenue.