Wet lease? Yeah, clubs and leasing are an accessible option but depends on what you want to do. Flying a tiny 182 Cessna, sure will be as much as a nice Sim setup. For one flight, at $200 an hour, roughly 25 hours of flight or thereabouts and you’re already over the price of the simulator.
Fly commercial jets, like the one this picture is simulating? No way. A small Citation jet starts at $50k a month. That’s probably already 5 times the cost of equipment in that photo. And you can fly the big birds and do crazy stuff with them in the sim.
My guess is no, since the folder is a magical protocol address that I assume VScode/codium wouldn’t understand for they insist on handling the directory hierarchy directly. Haven’t really troubleshoot that workflow though. I use exclusively Git with GitHub/GitLab. So there’s no need for GDrive with an IDE for me. My Drive is exclusively for personal files which most other Linux-as-a-first-class-citizen applications (LibreOffice, PDF readers, photo viewers and editors) just use as the OS gives it to them without issue.
ADD: I would imagine there’s an additional complication depending on whether Codium is running from repository or Flatplak.
[About the study that claims changes in vagina’s bacteria] The study would “have to be repeated” for researchers to draw any conclusions, Swartzberg says.
This could go either way, bottom line, we don’t know.
bidet nozzles were contaminated with infection-causing organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus spp.
So does your fridge, but no one is advocating against using fridges to store food.
You need to regularly clean it.
Uhh? duh. Such a radical concept, hygiene, that’s surely too much for most people. You also have to regularly clean your whole bathroom. What’s the con?
It’s also important to pay attention to your bidet’s water pressure and temperature
The level to which some articles infantilize adults is the really scalding issue here. Top water temperature of a typical household heater should be no higher than 120 F (48° C), unless you do something seriously wrong, my guess is you’ll be fine.
You do know that toilets are like, the easiest to clean piece of furniture ever invented. Like the thing is designed to withstand being sprayed with chlorine on the regular. It’s literally a porcelain basin that has a built in water flushing system. If it’s your home’s private toilet, no one else but you will ever use it and you can make it as clean as you want it to before using it.
Even then, epidemiologically, in any given public bathroom, you’re several orders of magnitude more likely to catch an illness from the door handle than the toilet.
Uhhm, I’m not a doctor and this is not medical advice, but. You should talk to a proctologist about hemorrhoids or other blood circulation issues. Anuses are not supposed to itch when lightly sprayed with water, or ever for that matter, and that sensation might be a sign of tissue inflammation. Don’t ask me how I know this.
I’ve always heard it explained like this (which I wholeheartedly agree with). Imagine you’re hiking a trail in the forest, and you trip on a rock and fall. By chance, you land on turd of excrement, luckily it only smears part of your arm and elbow with shit. Would you be fine just taking a piece of toilet paper and scraping it off? Or, would you feel compelled to wash it off with water, perhaps also soap?
Why wouldn’t you just use paper, if you scrape hard enough it wouldn’t even smell and be just as clean, arguably?
If you would at least use water, why do you extend to your elbow a courtesy that you don’t extend to your anus?
The point is that there’s a lot of people who walk through life with a dirty asshole, but then try to act morally superior regarding personal hygiene, and I think that that’s not right.
Only Spotify due to convenience and tolerance that they are an European company and not a US one. I’m considering some other like Mubi, Curiosity Steam or Nebula, but none offer languages other than English. Which is a major hurdle to enjoy content with all the family. Thus far, my self-hosted server is way better, but some things we want to watch are particularly obscure and hard to find.
Chilluminati Podcast: A mystery, supernatural, true crime, UFO/UAP comedy podcast. The cast has a lot of chemistry and they research into the paranormal with both hopeful naivety and critical skepticism.
Let’s learn everything: Three people passionate about science cover different topics and answer variety questions that delve deep into the world of scientific research.
Lateral: Tom Scott’s quiz show where guests try to answer obtuse and unexpected questions with even more obtuse and convoluted reasoning.
Cox ‘n’ Crendor show: Youtubers Jesse Cox and Crendor do a weekly morning radio show spoof where they just talk about random stuff that happens in their lives.
Play, Watch, Listen: Game devs, writers and actors, get together whenever they have a chance to talk about various topics regarding the world of video games, movies and music. Mainly Alanah Pearce (writer, God of War), but also Troy Baker (voice actor and musician, The Last of US), Mike Bithell (programmer, Thomas was alone) and Rahul Kohli (actor, Midnight Mass).
The Geekenders: Streamer and Youtubers Dodger (Brooke Thorne, Dexbonus) and Jesse Cox gather every weekend to meet a weekly guest and talk about variety topics, mostly about video games. Sort of a spiritual revival of the legendary Cooptional podcast format that was lead by Total Biscuit (John Bain, The cynical brit).
I would also list The Podcats but Daniel Hardcastle (Nerdcubed) can barely be bothered with scheduling recordings with MATN and Mattophobia anymore.
Typically, physical violence towards boys is seen as normal, expected and necessary. As violence is seen as the natural realm of males. While girls are perfect flowery princesses that must be protected. At least until puberty when everyone* who is not their parent seems to regard every teen girl as an incubator.
*: People who uncritically abscribe to traditional misogynistic conceptions of gender.